010-23 Supply and delivery of dog waste bags and roadside bags


To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Tender Number 010/23
Tender name Supply and delivery of dog waste bags and roadside bags
Advertisement Date 29 March 2023
Tender Closing Date and Time 19 April 2023, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 010-23
List of names of tenderers
  1. Cardia Bioplastics (Australia) Pty Ltd
  2. Vexel Pty Ltd
  3. Winc Australia Pty Limited
  4. Woodlands Distributors Pty Ltd
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By Council CJ089-06/23
Award Date 27 June 2023
Awarded To Vexel Pty Ltd
Price Consideration (ex GST) $454,156 (estimated)