Currently registered for Pesticide Use Notification or Exclusion?


If you are currently registered on the City’s Pesticide Use Notification Register (24-hour notification) and/or Pesticide Use Exclusion Register (“no spray verge”), the City invites you to re-register for 2022-23.

Registrations for inclusion on the Registers are valid until 30 June each year, and residents and stakeholders must reapply each year by submitting a new application form to the City. Inclusion on the Register/s will not be reinstated unless a new application is submitted.

Should you wish to remain on the Register/s, or are not registered but would like to be, please submit your application to the City.

Complete the Pesticide Use Notification Register application.

Complete the Pesticide Use Exclusion Register application.

A map and schedule of the following weeks scheduled spray activities is provided on the City’s website each Friday afternoon. Further details on Pesticide use can be found on the City’s website.