Invitation to join panel of pre-qualified suppliers for the supply and delivery of tree stock


To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Invitation Number 016/21
Invitation Name Invitation to join panel of pre-qualified suppliers for the supply and delivery of tree stock
Advertisement Date 5 June 2021
Closing Date and Time 23 June 2021, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice Ad 016-21
List of names of respondents
  1. N.E.J. Investments Pty Ltd as Trustee for Great Scott Family Trust t/as Arborwest Tree Farm
  2. Quito Pty Ltd as Trustee for the Quito Unit Trust t/as Benara Nurseries
  3. Ellenby Tree Farm Pty Ltd t/as Ellenby Tree Farm
  4. Plantforce Investments Pty Ltd (Plantrite)
Contract Type Panel – Schedule of rates
Award By Council CJ140-09/21
Award Date 21 September 2021
Awarded To
  1. N.E.J. Investments Pty Ltd as Trustee for Great Scott Family Trust t/as Arborwest Tree Farm
  2. Quito Pty Ltd as Trustee for the Quito Unit Trust t/as Benara Nurseries
  3. Ellenby Tree Farm Pty Ltd t/as Ellenby Tree Farm
  4. Plantforce Investments Pty Ltd (Plantrite)
Price Consideration (ex GST) $111,214 (Estimate – Budget 2021/22 only)