Capital Works Program
The annual Five Year Capital Works Program (5YCWP) provides detailed information on the City’s Capital Works Projects planned over the next five years. The program areas include:
- Parks Development
- Foreshore and Natural Areas Management
- Parks Equipment
- Streetscape Enhancement
- Local Road Traffic Management
- Blackspot Program
- Parking Facilities
- Road Construction (including Bridges and Underpasses)
- Pathways (New and Replacement)
- Stormwater Drainage
- Lighting (Street and Public Open Space)
- Road Preservation and Rehabilitation
- Building Construction Works
- Major Projects
The 5YCWP has been developed to meet anticipated community infrastructure needs and the future development of the City with the strategic direction for the Program provided by the Strategic Community Plan 2022-2032 and the 20 Year Strategic Financial Plan.
This document contains a five-year financial overview and program summary sheets depicting the scope for each of the 15 Capital Work Programs. Following each summary sheet, the five-year list of projects within that Capital Work Program are detailed including project description, budget amount and funding sources.
Council has approved the budget shown for the projects listed in Year 1 of the Five Year Capital Works Program. All projects detailed in the following subsequent years (Years 2 to 5) are approved for listing in the 5YCWP but are not confirmed until the budget year they are scheduled to commence.