Management of beaches
The City undertakes a number of activities to manage its beaches including weed control, fencing, installing access ways, paths and signage, feral animal control, fire management, waste management, sand stabilisation and sand drift management and revegetation.
Site specific plans are being developed for key environmentally significant coastal areas that have high biodiversity values, ecological connectivity and regional importance. These plans guide on-ground management actions such as:
- Marmion Coastal Foreshore Reserve Management Plan
- Sorrento Coastal Foreshore Reserve Management Plan
- Hillarys-Kallaroo Coastal Foreshore Reserve Management Plan
- Mullaloo Coastal Foreshore Management Plan
- Ocean Reef Foreshore Reserve Management Plan.
The City recognises that future climate changes and potential sea level rise may impact on the City’s beaches and coastal areas. The City has assessed potential future coastal hazards and is identifying ways to address those hazards.