Property Management Framework
The City’s Property Management Framework helps to strategically guide the assessment of suitable uses and occupation arrangements on City owned or managed land / buildings.
It does this by classifying City properties in a way that supports their most appropriate use and outlines the standard requirements for entering into a tenure arrangement (e.g. lease, licence or management agreement) with the City.
The Framework has been in place since 2012 and was recently reviewed in November 2022. Details on the new Framework, including FAQs and a copy of the document are able to be downloaded below.
For any enquiries on new or existing tenure arrangements, please call the City’s Property Management Team on 9400 4362 or email
Should you wish to apply for a new tenancy arrangement, please download and complete the Tenancy Request – Application Package and email to
It is strongly advised that you contact the City’s Property Management Team to discuss your application before submitting to the City for assessment.