Street parking restrictions

Parking near schools

School parking restrictions are enforced in certain street locations to enhance the safety and protection of children. A number of these parking restrictions only apply during the times that parking is at a premium, for example, while children are being dropped off or picked up, whereas other restrictions may apply at other times. This includes areas that may be used for dual purposes, such as parking for vehicles which later become bus zones in order to provide safe access for children travelling on school buses. Please read the parking signs carefully to avoid being issued with an infringement, as school parking restrictions are strictly enforced.

Parking on footpaths

Parking across and on footpaths, dual use paths and bicycle paths is prohibited.

Footpaths are constructed within the road verge to provide a safe walking environment for pedestrians, away from passing vehicles.

Motorists may not always appreciate the difficulties and dangers which can be caused to pedestrians when vehicles are parked across footpaths. Some of the most vulnerable pedestrians may be young children, people with infants in prams, people in wheelchairs and/or the elderly.

Parking on Verges

Consent must be obtained from the owner or occupier of land (or property) before a person may drive, park, or stand a vehicle on the road verge adjacent to that land. If consent has not been provided by the owner or occupier, they may report details of the offending vehicle to City Officers.

Parking near intersections

Vehicle obstructions at intersections have proven to be a major contributor to vehicle and pedestrian accidents. It is important that both pedestrians and motorists can easily see and/or be seen by any oncoming traffic before they enter a street. Accidents caused by vehicle obstructions may be avoided provided that the accepted precautions of looking each way are taken by pedestrians and motorists alike, before entering or crossing an intersection.

Parking facing oncoming traffic

For safety reasons, a vehicle parked on the road must be facing in the same direction as the traffic flow. Under the City’s  Parking Local Law and the Road Traffic Code 2000, it is an offence to park a vehicle against oncoming traffic.

Parking on median strips

Median strips and traffic islands are physical provisions used to divide traffic and to enhance safety on busy arterial roads. Parking on or in these areas is not permitted as it poses a risk to the safety of other road users and pedestrians.

Parking within parks, reserves and foreshores

All beaches along the City’s coastline are classified as foreshore reserves. Driving or parking a vehicle on a foreshore reserve is prohibited. Parking is also prohibited on all parks and reserves within the City unless an area has been designated for the parking of vehicles.

Parking while selling a vehicle

Advertising a vehicle for sale, or hire, on any part of a car park, road, verge or median strip is an offence under the City’s Parking Local Law. Drivers that park a vehicle, which is offered for sale or hire in these areas, may be issued with an infringement notice.