Laying of brick pavers


To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Tender Number 014/22
Tender name Laying of brick pavers
Advertisement Date 26 February 2022
Tender Closing Date and Time 22 March 2022, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 014-22
List of names of tenderers
  1. Construct Paving Services Pty Ltd
  2. HCC (Aust Pty Ltd (Positive Paving Pty Ltd)
  3. Safety Tactile Pave Pty Ltd as Trustee for STP Family Trust (Safety Tactile Pave)
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By Council CJ075-05/22
Award Date 17 May 2022
Awarded To Construct Paving Services Pty Ltd
Price Consideration (ex GST) $912,063 (estimated)