Sweeping of urban and arterial roads, car parks, pavements and pathways within the City


To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Tender Number 022/21
Tender name Sweeping of urban and arterial roads, car parks, pavements and pathways within the City
Advertisement Date 25 September 2021
Tender Closing Date and Time 13 October 2021, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 022/21
List of names of tenderers
  1. Drainflow Services Pty Ltd
  2. Environmental Wastewater Catchment Services Pty Ltd As Trustee for EWCS Unit Trust (Enviro Sweep)
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By Council


Award Date 14 December 2021
Awarded To Environmental Wastewater Catchment Services Pty Ltd As Trustee for EWCS Unit Trust (Enviro Sweep)
Price Consideration (ex GST) $1,419,561