A structure plan is a planning document consisting of text and maps which identifies how land is intended to be developed, and provides a broad framework to guide subdivision and development proposals.
An activity centre plan is a form of structure plan required specifically for certain types of activity centre as outlined in State Planning Policy 4.2 Activity Centres for Perth and Peel
In addition to illustrating details such as road configuration and the location facilities such as shops, schools and public open space, a structure plan or activity centre plan can also show details such as housing density and land use zones.
A structure plan or activity centre plan may also be supported by a local development plan, which provides specific development controls within the structure plan area.
Approved Structure Plans, Activity Centre Plans and Local Development Plans
Revoked Structure Plans, Activity Centre Plans and Local Development Plans
Amendments to Structure plans, Activity Centre plans and Local Development plans
Amending a structure plan, activity centre plan or local development plan is a complex process. It is highly recommended that a planning consultant be engaged for initial advice and to prepare your submission should you want to proceed with an amendment. The submission requires specific details of how the relevant plan is to be amended, together with a thorough justification for the proposal. An application fee is also applicable, based on the complexity of the proposal.
Please refer to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage Structure Plan framework (also used for Activity Centre Plans) or Local Development Plan framework for additional information.