There are many different types of pests that can cause concerns to residents.
European wasps
European wasps are declared pests in Western Australia and must be eradicated when found. The Department of Agriculture and Food provide a fact sheet for identifying European Wasps.
If you suspect you have seen European wasps please report using the Department of Agriculture and Food MyPestGuide or contact the Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS).
A major nuisance ant in Western Australia is the coastal brown ant which are often seen in lawns and in brick paving. Control procedures for a particular ant species may not be effective for other ant species so it is recommended pest ants be identified before attempting control measures.
The Department of Agriculture offers a free identification service. To access the service, visit the Pest and Disease Information Service. A fact sheet is also available.
Midges belonging to the insect family Chironomidae are small non-biting insects that live and breed naturally in Perth’s lakes and wetlands and are an important part of the ecosystem. They are not vectors of disease, however in large numbers, adult midge swarms can cause a nuisance to residents living in close proximity to these lakes and wetlands.
The Cities of Joondalup and Wanneroo along with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, regularly monitor midge breeding levels in both Lake Joondalup and Lake Goollelal, and when necessary, can undertake limited chemical treatment of the lakes, to reduce midge larvae numbers and in turn reduce the impact of adult swarms on residents.
For further information please refer to the midge brochure.
As well as being a nuisance, some species of mosquito carry viruses such as Ross River Virus and Barman Forest Virus.
For simple preventative measures that you can take to protect yourself from mosquito bite and to help reduce mosquito numbers, please refer to the prevent mosquito bites information page on the Healthy WA website.
Rats and mice
Rats and mice can be serious pests. They can carry disease, can eat and damage fruit and other crops in the garden and, if they find their way inside, can contaminate food and utensils.
For further information on the signs of rodents, preventing problems and control methods, you may refer to the Rats information sheet, or contact Health and Environmental Services on 9400 4933.
The City offers residents a starter pack of rat bait (at the limit of one pack per household per year), which can be collected from the Customer Service Centre.