Bold | Creative | Prosperous
Joondalup 2032 is the City’s 10-Year Strategic Community Plan. The purpose of this plan is to articulate the community’s aspirations, vision and objectives for the next 10 years. Joondalup 2032 is the overarching document that informs all other City plans and services. Every local government in Western Australia is required to have a strategic community plan.
Joondalup 2032 forms part of the City’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework which also includes Informing, Resourcing and Reporting components. The plan is operationalised through the 5-Year Corporate Business Plan which details the major projects, programs and services that the City will deliver to achieve the outcomes of Joondalup 2032 over a 5-year period.
Monitoring and reporting against Joondalup 2032 is undertaken through Corporate Business Plan Quarterly Reports, Capital Works Quarterly Progress Reports and Annual Reports.
Council endorsed Joondalup 2032 at the 28 June 2022 Council Meeting (CJ093-06/22 refers).
A copy of Joondalup 2032, as well as a summary document, can be found below