Building sustainable neighbourhoods

Building Sustainable Communities image

Building sustainable neighbourhoods is a strategic planning project being undertaken by the City of Joondalup. The project is reviewing the housing component of the City’s local planning strategy. This is a significant land use planning project which will be relevant to all residential areas within the City.

Population growth means our City needs to plan for approximately 20,000 additional homes in the City by 2050. With limited undeveloped space, the majority will need to be delivered as infill housing.

Population change, housing renewal, and infill development will result in change for our community and neighbourhoods.

Building sustainable neighbourhoods will make recommendations for how the City’s planning framework can best meet the City’s future housing needs and State Government dwelling targets, including:

  • What housing we need to meet community needs
  • Where different housing types and densities should be located across the City, and
  • The types of policy required to manage the form, sustainability, and liveability of future housing.

The project will identify, explore and develop planning recommendations for liveable streets and housing in the City of Joondalup across five project phases.


Phase one:

  • Housing and infill issues identification.
  • Community consultation.
  • Technical work.
  • Confirmed issues to be investigated in Phase 2.

Phase two:

  • Undertake investigations for the issues identified.
  • Identify opportunities for the City to respond to issues through the LPS.
  • Present issues paper to Council.
  • Confirm community consultation approach and scope of work to be investigated in Phase 3.

Phase three:

  • Develop and explore options for spatial allocation of density and development control.
  • Options will be tested with the community and decision makers.
  • Recommended option presented to Council to adopt.

Phase four:

  • Prepare Local Planning Strategy in accordance with guidelines based on recommended option.

Phase five;

  • Undertake statutory approval process to have the LPS endorsed by Council, WAPC and Minister for Planning.

The project is currently in Phase 3: Strategic Options. At its meeting held 28 May 2024, Council noted the outcomes of Phase 2 of the project and endorsed the proposed scope of work and approach to consultation to be undertaken in Phase 3.

Further community consultation will be undertaken as part of Phase 3. This is proposed to be undertaken in two rounds, as illustrated in the endorsed Phase 3 community consultation approach which can be accessed in the project documents below.

It is anticipated that the detailed community consultation plan for Phase 3 will be presented to Council for endorsement prior to any consultation activities taking place. The first round of consultation is anticipated to take place in early 2025.


If you would like to understand the approach to community and stakeholder engagement for the project overall, you can view the project Stakeholder Strategy which was endorsed by Council on Tuesday 19 April 2022.

If you would like to receive updates about the project and information about upcoming community consultations, join the stakeholder register.

Join the register


The frequently asked questions will guide you through relevant project information.

To learn more about planning systems and processes, review an Introduction to the Western Australian Planning System and a Glossary of Planning Terms.

The City’s project team is also available to discuss the project and answer questions.


Documents, reports and studies will be listed here as the project progresses and they are completed.

Scope: Local Planning Strategy Review

Building Sustainable Neighbourhoods Stakeholder Strategy

Phase 1 Outcomes: Housing Issues and Actions

Phase 1 Community Consultation Outcomes Report

Dwelling targets review report

Housing supply and demand analysis report

Issues Paper Background and Summary

Issues Paper 1: Allocation of density

Issues Paper 2: Liveability outcomes for infill housing

Issues Paper 3: Structural issues

Issues Paper 4: Housing supply, demand and affordability

City of Joondalup Activity Centre Needs Assessment and Hierarchy Review

Local Planning Strategy Review: Phase 3 scope





18 May 2021

Council agreed to bring forward the review of the housing component of the Local Planning Strategy to 2021/22.

(item CJ063-05/21 refers)


19 April 2022

Council endorsed:

  1. The project approach for the review of the City’s Local Planning Strategy.
  2. The scope of works associated with the review of the City’s Local Planning Strategy.
  3. The draft Stakeholder Strategy for the housing component of the Local Planning Strategy review.
  4. The scope of works associated with Phase one of the housing review.

(item CJ047-04/22 refers)


16 August 2022

Council endorsed the Phase one Community Consultation Plan.

(item CJ120-08/22 refers)


25 July 2023

Council endorsed the Phase 1 outcomes and proposed Phase 2 scope of work.

(item 13.1 refers)


28 May 2024

Council noted the outcomes of Phase 2 and endorsed the proposed Phase 3 scope of work.

(item 13.1.3 refers)


As noted above, building sustainable neighbourhoods follows a series of strategic planning projects regarding housing and infill. The following lists previous projects, and provides links with more information.

Local Housing Strategy and Housing Opportunity Areas

Changes to Development within Housing Opportunity Areas

Draft Sorrento Precinct Structure Plan

The City has received the draft Sorrento Precinct Structure Plan prepared by Planning Solutions on behalf of the landowners.

In accordance with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, the proposed Sorrento Precinct Structure Plan is to be advertised for public comment for 42 days, from Thursday 14 July to Friday 26 August 2022.

The State Development Assessment Unit (SDAU) are simultaneously considering a development proposal at the subject site. As both the draft Sorrento Precinct Structure Plan and the development proposal are required to be advertised, concurrent consultation is being undertaken jointly by the City and the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage on both proposals.

Information and documentation, including FAQs and the online submission form, is available via the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage consultation hub.

Please note that the City has not prepared the draft Sorrento Precinct Structure Plan, the proposal is yet to be assessed by the City, and the advertising of the proposal does not indicate support or otherwise for the draft Sorrento Precinct Structure Plan.

All enquiries should be made to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage on 6551 9450 in the first instance. Enquiries pertaining to the precinct structure plan document will be redirected to the City.