Joondalup City Centre Place Activation

Place Activation

A vision for Place in the City of Joondalup

The growth and vibrancy of the Joondalup City Centre is a strategic priority for the City of Joondalup. Over recent years, the City has been exploring how to continuously improve how places and communities are activated by residents, community groups and organisations, and the delivery of projects and events.

The City of Joondalup has adopted a place activation framework framed around a collective commitment and shared responsibility about local placemaking and includes:

Place Activation Strategy

The ‘why’ and ‘how’ of placemaking across the City based on an understanding of place and the community’s vision provides a framework for the City’s place activation plans. Where there is a demonstrated social or economic benefit to articulate the ‘what’ for a particular place, place activation plans will be used to align investment with the specific needs and opportunities of that place.

This work included the preparation of the inaugural place plan, Joondalup City Centre Place Activation Plan (the Plan).

A copy of the Strategy can be viewed by clicking the link below.

Joondalup City Centre Place Activation Plan

The Joondalup City Centre Place Activation Plan has been developed as a set of prioritised ‘place-based’ projects to:

  • Give the City of Joondalup, local placemaking groups and the community a blueprint to deliver activation projects;
  • Ensure City investment and capital works projects align with community and place needs and
  • Direct efforts into activation initiatives that will have the most return and benefit for the City Centre and local community.

The Plan defines a vision for the Joondalup City Centre and outlines projects identified by the community to foster vibrancy and growth with the vision:

“Joondalup City Centre will be the heart and soul of the north, loved and enjoyed by its community and visitors.”

The plan defines a series of prioritised initiatives (projects) for implementation to activate the area and foster vibrancy and growth in the City Centre. In planning to deliver these projects, the City will consider how one project may influence or ‘enable’ other projects. These include:

Art in the Streets

Murals, art installations, street furniture and lighting installations.

Pedestrian Friendly Streets and Courtyards

Alfresco dining, parklets and pedestrian friendly streets increasing foot traffic and vibrancy.

Youth Playspaces

Outdoor fitness and play spaces engaging young people.


Collaboration with key transport stakeholders to enhance connectivity and higher levels of physical activity.

Joondalup Town Team

Residents and businesses in the newly formed Town Team, Heartbeat Joondalup, have recently started placemaking projects and events in the Joondalup City Centre and are open to new members. @heartbeatjoondalup


Business community-owned Uptown showcases hidden gems and the best Joondalup has on offer #uptownjoondalup @uptown.joondalup.

Business support to foster the local economy, including the Joondalup Business Association partnership.

A copy of the Plan can be viewed by clicking the link below.

Activating the City’s places

What is placemaking and activation?

Placemaking is a process of activating spaces to create vibrant and thriving places, encouraging users and visitors to stay longer and enjoy the space.

The continual evolution and growth of the City of Joondalup, its places and communities has brought with it increased interest and priority for liveability, community connection, and economic vibrancy. The activation of the City’s places and neighbourhoods to support a unique, iconic identity underpins many of the City’s and community’s objectives for the future.

Articles related to place activation and placemaking in the City of Joondalup include information about the City’s projects and resources for community placemaking:

  • City of Joondalup Place Activation Strategy
  • Joondalup City Centre Place Activation Plan
  • Resources and information for community placemakers.

Resources and information for community placemakers

Placemaking is a process of thinking about places as the canvas for community involvement and connectedness.  It involves considering the unique needs of a place and activating its spaces to create a vibrant and thriving area that will encourage social engagement and visitation. It can include large scale events such as markets and festivals through to smaller scale projects such as public artwork on blank building walls. Placemaking creates more inviting areas, encouraging users and visitors linger longer and enjoy the space, which also benefits business in the area, supports the economy, and enhances social fabric.

Community and businesses across the City of Joondalup are already active placemakers, with a diversity of projects and events (large and small) being led by community groups and individuals. This community-led placemaking is an important part of activating places and communities across the City.

Resources for community placemakers

The City has a number of projects and resources to support the community and business in activating their places and neighbourhoods.

The Meet-Your-Neighbour Project provides resources to host a community barbecue or picnic. This is a great place to start if you’re interested in talking to like-minded people in your community about activating your neighbourhood.

The Communities in-focus program provides support and capacity building for community groups and organisations, including those focussed on activating local places and neighbourhoods.

Find out what’s happening in your local community:

Groups and agencies


The City has a Community Funding Program which assists community groups and schools with projects, events and activities that develop and enhance the Joondalup community. The program is currently closed while the City undertakes a review of its grant programs. Further details about Community Funding grant programs will be advertised in due course.

Community groups and organisations can also apply for sponsorship funding towards the cost of community events that bring benefit to the local area.

Planning community activation events

To protect the health and safety of people at public events, various pieces of State Government legislation and regulations are in place and result in the need for approvals and permits for some community events and activities.

If you’re planning a community event, it is recommended that you discuss your event with the Community Facilities Bookings Team and then complete the Event Expression of Interest form. This is the first step in the process for the City to work with you to arrange any approvals, permits, or bookings you may require. Depending on the scale of the event, this process can take 2-4 weeks.

View the range of beaches, community facilities and parks available for events and community activities.