Registers for public viewing

This page provides information about delegated authority and registers available for public viewing.

Register of Delegation of Authority
Under the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act) and other legislation, both Council and the Chief Executive Officer are given certain functions and duties to perform. Council may delegate the authority to the Chief Executive Officer to perform its functions and duties on its behalf. Delegations form part of the City’s decision-making approach. Learn more.

Primary Returns and Annual Returns Register
The Local Government Act 1995 requires elected members and employees to make decisions in the best interests of the community and decision-making must be transparent, accountable and free from bias or conflicts of interest. In view of this, elected members and employees (with delegated authority) must disclose certain personal information when they commence and every subsequent year while either elected, or employed at the City. Learn more.

Financial Interest Register
The Financial Interest Register contains those disclosures of interests that have been made by Elected Members and employees at City of Joondalup Council Meetings, Committee Meetings and Briefing Sessions. Interests that need to be declared include financial interests, proximity interests and interests that may affect impartiality. Learn more.

Gifts Register for Elected Members and Chief Executive Officer
The Gifts Register contains those disclosures of gifts that have been made by Elected Members and the Chief Executive Officer in their official capacity which are valued over $300.00 or are two or more gifts with a cumulative value over $300.00 (where the gifts are received from the same donor in a 12 month period). Learn more.

Electoral Gifts Register
The City maintains an electoral gifts register that details certain information of electoral gift declarations made by candidates and donors during local government elections. Learn more.

Gifts Register for Employees
A gift is valued between $50.00 and $299.00 or are two or more gifts with a cumulative value (where the gifts are received from the same donor within a 12-month period). Learn more.

Complaint Registers
An Elected Member commits a minor breach if he or she contravenes the Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007 (prior to 3 February 2021) or Division 4 – Rules of Conduct of the City of Joondalup Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates (after 3 February 2021). Learn more.

Public Notices
A Public Notice is a mechanism that can be used to inform the Joondalup community about activities or consultations that are being undertaken by the City. Learn more.

Community Consultation
The City is committed to getting community input and sharing information on new projects, plans, services and initiatives. The City recognises that what is happening in your neighbourhood is important to you, and want to ensure you are given the opportunity to present your views. Learn more.

Complaint Registers

Register of Minor Breach Findings

An Elected Member commits a minor breach if he or she contravenes the Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007 (prior to Wednesday 3 February 2021) or Division 4 – Rules of Conduct of the City of Joondalup Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates (after Wednesday 3 February 2021).

In accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, a complaint of an alleged minor breach is submitted to the Local Government Standards Panel for determination.  More information on the Local Government Standards Panel can be found on the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries’ website.

The Register of Minor Breach Findings provides details of minor breach complaints which the Local Government Standards Panel has found to have occurred, and which appropriate action is required.

In accordance with section 5.121 of the Local Government Act 1995, the City must publish an up-to-date register on its website which is to include:

(a)  the name of the council member about whom the complaint is made;

(b)  the name of the person who makes the complaint;

(c)  a description of the minor breach that the standards panel finds has occurred; and

(d)  details of the action taken under section 5.110(6) of the Local Government Act 1995.

The City’s Register of Minor Breach Findings can be viewed below.

For more information on the minor breach system, visit the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries’ website.

Register of Behavioural Breach Findings

An Elected Member commits a behavioural breach if he or she contravenes Division 3 – Behaviour of the City of Joondalup Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates.

The Register of Behavioural Breach Findings provides details of complaints about behavioural breaches which the City of Joondalup Complaints Officer finds have occurred, and the actions taken.

Clause 13 of the City’s Complaint Investigation Policy requires the City to publish an up-to-date register of behavioural complaints.

The City’s Register of Behavioural Breach Findings can be viewed below.

Delegated authority

Under the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act) and other legislation, both Council and the Chief Executive Officer are given certain functions and duties to perform. Council may delegate the authority to the Chief Executive Officer to perform its functions and duties on its behalf. Delegations form part of the City’s decision-making approach. Delegations entrust certain types of decisions to the Chief Executive Officer, employees or committees.

The use of delegated authority means that the large volume of routine work of Council can be effectively managed and acted on promptly, which in turn facilitates efficient service delivery to the community. Delegated authority allows Council to concentrate on policy development, representation, strategic planning, and community leadership.

The Chief Executive Officer may delegate to any other employee the authority to perform functions and duties that are exercisable by the Chief Executive Officer under the Act or that have been delegated to the Chief Executive Officer by Council (with the exception of the power to delegate).

Delegations of authority are required in order to provide employees with the power to exercise duties and make discretionary decisions. It is essential that the City’s delegations are performed in a manner that is in accordance with the delegation and is compliant with legislation.

The City is required to keep records on the exercise of its delegations and delegations are reviewed on an annual basis.


Primary Returns and Annual Returns

The Local Government Act 1995 requires elected members and employees to make decisions in the best interests of the community and decision-making must be transparent, accountable and free from bias or conflicts of interest. In view of this, elected members and employees (with delegated authority) must disclose certain personal information when they commence and every subsequent year while either elected, or employed at the City. These disclosures are called “primary returns” and “annual returns”.

A primary return is a snapshot of personal financial information as it exists upon the start date of an elected member or an employee. An annual return retrospectively discloses any changes to the information previously disclosed, or any new interest information to disclose since completing their last return.

In accordance with the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act) and the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 local governments are required to publish a list of elected members and employees (by position) that lodged a primary return and annual return for each financial year, commencing after Wednesday 1 July 2020.

Section 5.88 of the Act requires the CEO to keep all primary and annual returns lodged in a Register of Financial Interests.  This is available for public inspection at the City’s Administration Centre during office hours.

Below are the listings that satisfy this requirement which will be updated from time to time.


Electoral gifts

Candidates in local government elections have legislative obligations for the disclosure of gifts leading up to the local government elections. The Local Government (Elections) Regulations 1997 requires both candidates and donors to make disclosures of gifts with a value of $200 or more that was given or promised to candidates during the specified disclosure period.

Electoral Gifts

A ‘gift’ means a disposition of property, or the conferral of any financial benefit, made by one person in favour of another.

It can include:

  • A gift of money
  • A gift which is non-monetary but of value
  • A gift in kind or where there is inadequate financial consideration such as the receipt of a discount (where the difference or the discount is worth more than $200)
  • A financial or other contribution to travel
  • The provision of a service for no consideration or for inadequate consideration
  • A firm promise or agreement to give a gift at some future time.

It is important to note that a gift could be one or more gifts from the same donor that has a combined value of $200 or more.

Disclosure period

Within three days of nomination, any candidate in a local government election will need to disclose any gifts received within the disclosure period. The disclosure period commences six months prior to the Election Day. The disclosure period finishes three days after Election Day (for unsuccessful candidates) and on the start day for financial interest returns for successful candidates.

How a disclosure is made

All disclosures are to be made on the approved form and delivered to the City of Joondalup’s Chief Executive Officer within three days of receiving the gift, once your candidate nomination has been made to the Returning Officer.

Electoral Gifts Register

The City maintains an electoral gifts register that details certain information of electoral gift declarations made by candidates and donors during local government elections.

Following each election, any declarations made by unsuccessful candidates are removed from the register. Any declarations made by candidates that are successful in being elected to Office, are maintained in the register for the term relating to that election.

The City’s Electoral Gift Register is provided below.

Gifts Register for Employees

A gift is valued between $50 and $299 or are two or more gifts with a cumulative value (where the gifts are received from the same donor within a 12-month period).

The gift is to an employee from a donor with an activity involving a local government discretion (that cannot be undertaken without an authorisation from the local government, or by way of a commercial dealing with the local government), or from an associated person (who is undertaking or seeking to undertake an activity involving a local government discretion or, it is reasonable to believe is intending to undertake an activity involving a local government discretion).

The City’s current Gifts Register for Employees contains disclosures made since Friday 1 January 2021. Disclosures made between Monday 1 January 2018 to Thursday 31 December 2020 are shown in the Former Register of Notifiable Gifts.

Any disclosures made prior to Monday 1 January 2018 are contained in hard copy gift registers that are available for public inspection during the City’s standard opening hours.

Financial Interests Register

The Financial Interest Register contains those disclosures of interests that have been made by Elected Members and employees at City of Joondalup Council Meetings, Committee Meetings and Briefing Sessions. Interests that need to be declared include financial interests, proximity interests and interests that may affect impartiality.

The Local Government Act 1995 requires the Chief Executive Officer to publish an up-to-date version of the City’s Financial Interests Register on the City’s website.

The City’s register contains disclosures made since Monday 1 January 2018 and will be updated on a monthly basis. Any disclosures made prior to the Monday 1 January 2018 are contained in hard copy Interests Registers that are available for public inspection during the City’s standard opening hours.

Details of disclosures are also recorded in the minutes of the various Council and Committee meetings, which are available on the City’s website.

Gifts Register for Elected Members and Chief Executive Officer

The Gifts Register contains those disclosures of gifts that have been made by Elected Members and the Chief Executive Officer in their official capacity which are valued over $300 or are two or more gifts with a cumulative value over $300 (where the gifts are received from the same donor in a 12 month period).

The Local Government Act 1995 requires the Chief Executive Officer to publish an up to date version of the Gifts Register on the City’s website. To protect the privacy of individuals, the version of the register published on the website does not include the address disclosed by an individual donor and will instead include the town or suburb mentioned in the address.