020/24 Design, supply and construct bike facilities for urban bike trails within three separate City of Joondalup parks

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Tender Number 020/24
Title Design, supply and construct bike facilities for urban bike trails within three separate City of Joondalup parks
Advertisement Date 20 April 2024
Closing Date and Time 16 May 2024, 2.00pm WST
Advertisement Notice 020/24
List of names of tenderers
  1. Common Ground Trails Pty Ltd
  2. Three Chillies Design Pty Ltd
Contract Type Fixed price
Award By Council
Award Date 23 July 2024
Awarded To Three Chillies Design Pty Ltd
Price Consideration (ex GST) $1,474,617


016/24 Provision of works to extract and transport sand from Sorrento Beach to Hillarys Beach

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Tender Number 016/24
Title Provision of works to extract and transport sand from Sorrento Beach to Hillarys Beach
Advertisement Date 20 April 2024
Closing Date and Time 23 May 2024, 2.00pm WST
Advertisement Notice 016/24
List of names of tenderers
  1. Hawthorn Group Holdings Pty Ltd (Hawthorn Group Holdings)
  2. Miraplex Group Pty Ltd
  3. MMM (WA) Pty Ltd
Contract Type Fixed price
Award By Chief Executive Officer
Award Date 11 August 2024
Awarded To
  1. Miraplex Group Pty Ltd
Price Consideration (ex GST) $155,592 (estimated)


004-23 Invitation to join panel of pre-qualified suppliers for the provision of mowing services

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Invitation Number 004/23
Title Provision of mowing services
Advertisement Date 14 January 2023
Closing Date and Time 1 February 2023, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 004-23
List of names of tenderers
  1. Environmental Industries Pty Ltd
  2. LLS Aust Pty Ltd as Trustee for the LOCHNESS UNIT TRUST (Loch Ness Landscape Services)
  3. Sanpoint Pty Ltd as Trustee for Fiore Family Trust (LD Total)
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By CEO
Award Date 30 March 2023
Awarded To
  1. Environmental Industries Pty Ltd
  2. LLS Aust Pty Ltd as Trustee for the LOCHNESS UNIT TRUST (Loch Ness Landscape Services)
  3. Sanpoint Pty Ltd as Trustee for Fiore Family Trust (LD Total)
Price Consideration (ex GST) $250,224 (estimated)


Supply and application of turf enhancement products and/or top dressing

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Tender Number 014/23
Tender name Supply and application of turf enhancement products and/or top dressing
Advertisement Date 5 August 2023
Tender Closing Date and Time 22 August 2023, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice Ad 014-23
List of names of tenderers
  1. TJ & RJ Sellick Pty Ltd (Lawn Doctor)
  2. Environmental Industries Pty Ltd
  3. Profounder Turfmaster Pty Ltd
  4. Turf Care WA Pty Ltd
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By Council
Award Date 17 October 2023
Awarded To TJ & RJ Sellick Pty Ltd (Lawn Doctor)
Price Consideration (ex GST) $1,090,269 (estimated)


Invitation to join panel of pre-qualified suppliers for the supply and delivery of premix concrete

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Invitation Number 001/23
Title Supply and delivery of premix concrete
Advertisement Date 4 February 2023
Closing Date and Time 22 February 2023, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 001-23
List of names of tenderers
  1. Ransberg Pty Ltd as Trustee for Ransberg Unit Trust t/as WA Premix
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By
Award Date
Awarded To All offers declined
Price Consideration (ex GST)


Burns Beach food and beverage opportunity

To access tenders and EOIs please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

EOI Number 044/22
EOI name Burns Beach food and beverage opportunity
Advertisement Date 19 November 2022
EOI Closing Date and Time 1 February 2023, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 044/22
List of names of respondents
  1. Australian Venue Co. Ltd
  2. Be Our Guest Holdings Pty Ltd
  3. Gastevski Group Pty Ltd
  4. Chopped Parsley Pty Ltd
  5. Flour and Bean (WA) Pty Ltd as Trustee for Flour & Bean Unit Trust (Cup & Co)
  6. General Public Investments Pty Ltd
  7. Hospitality Total Services (AUS) Pty Ltd
  8. Shack Holdings Pty Ltd
  9. Laika Group Pty Ltd (Young Folk Co)
  10. Mid-Century Cafe and Collectables Pty Ltd
  11. Alba Pty Ltd as Trustee for the Glyde Street Unit Trust (Clancy’s Fish Pub)
  12. Proper Food Company Pty Ltd
  13. Shreenathji Trading Pty Ltd
Award By Council
Report 13.1.1
Award Date 19 September 2023
Stage 2 list of respondents
  1. Australian Venue Co. Ltd
  2. Gastevski Group Pty Ltd
  3. General Public Investments Pty Ltd
  4. Laika Group Pty Ltd (Young Folk Co)


Bulk hard and bulk green waste collection and processing services

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Tender Number 034/22
Tender name Bulk hard and bulk green waste collection and processing services
Advertisement Date 29 October 2022
Tender Closing Date and Time 30 November 2022, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 034-22
List of names of tenderers
  1. Cleanaway Pty Ltd
  2. T C waste (WA) Pty Ltd (D & M Waste Management)
  3. Handel Group Pty Ltd
  4. Veolia Recycling & Recovery Pty Ltd
  5. West Tip Waste Control Pty Ltd as trustee for Stefna Family Trust
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By
Award Date
Awarded To All offers declined
Price Consideration (ex GST)


Provision of cleaning and washroom hygiene services for City of Joondalup community facilities, libraries and child health centres

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Tender Number 039/22
Tender name Provision of cleaning and washroom hygiene services for City of Joondalup community facilities, libraries and child health centres
Advertisement Date 1 October 2022
Tender Closing Date and Time 18 October 2022, 2.00pm WST
Advertisement Notice 039-22
List of names of tenderers
  1. Brightmark Group Pty Ltd
  2. Delron Cleaning Pty Ltd
  3. DMC Cleaning Corporation Pty Ltd as Trustee for Panich Family Trust (DMC Cleaning)
  4. Iconic Property Services Pty Ltd
  5. International Cleaning Services Australia Pty Ltd as Trustee for TIM AUSTIN FAMILY TRUST (ICS Service Solutions)
  6. Office Cleaning Experts Pty Ltd (OCE CORPORATE CLEANING)
  7. Pickwick Group Pty Ltd as Trustee for THE PICKWICK CLEANING SERVICES UNIT TRUST (Pickwick Integrated Facilities Services)
  8. Serco Facilities Management Pty Limited (Serco Facilities Management)
  9. Twin Cleaning Group Pty Ltd
  10. Uniting Global Pty Ltd
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By Council CJ038-03/23
Award Date 28 March 2023
Awarded To Uniting Global Pty Ltd
Price Consideration (ex GST) $2,389,915 (estimated)


Provision of cleaning and washroom hygiene services for the City of Joondalup stand-alone public toilets and cleaning of attached public toilet facilities

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Tender Number 040/22
Tender name Provision of cleaning and washroom hygiene services for City of Joondalup stand-alone public toilets and cleaning of attached public toilet facilities
Advertisement Date 1 October 2022
Tender Closing Date and Time 18 October 2022, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 040-22
List of names of tenderers
  1. Brightmark Group Pty Ltd
  2. Clean For All Pty Ltd
  3. DMC Cleaning Corporation Pty Ltd as Trustee for Panich Family Trust (DMC Cleaning)
  4. Iconic Property Services Pty Ltd
  5. Menzies International (Aust.) Pty Ltd
  6. Pickwick Group Pty Ltd as Trustee for THE PICKWICK CLEANING SERVICES UNIT TRUST (Pickwick Integrated Facilities Services)
  7. Serco Facilities Management Pty Limited (Serco Facilities Management)
  8. The Trustee for The MJ Family Trust (Grace Rose Didier Cleaning Services)
  9. Twin Cleaning Group Pty Ltd
  10. Uniting Global Pty Ltd
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By CEO
Award Date 13 April 2023
Awarded To Iconic Property Services Pty Ltd
Price Consideration (ex GST) $377,681 (estimated)


Provision of irrigation pump and bore maintenance services

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Tender Number 042/22
Tender name Provision of irrigation pump and bore maintenance services
Advertisement Date 17 September 2022
Tender Closing Date and Time 5 October 2022, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 042-22
List of names of tenderers
  1. Acemark Investments Pty Ltd as Trustee for the McFadden Family Trust t/as Hydroquip Pumps
  2. Total Eden Pty Ltd
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By Council CJ208-12/22 
Award Date 13 December 2022
Awarded To Acemark Investments Pty Ltd as Trustee for the McFadden Family Trust t/as Hydroquip Pumps
Price Consideration (ex GST) $2,257,353 (estimated)


Provision of café services at Craigie Leisure Centre under a lease agreement

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

EOI Number 037/22
EOI Name Provision of café services at Craigie Leisure Centre under a lease agreement
Advertisement Date 10 September 2022
EOI Closing Date and Time 4 October 2022, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 037-22
List of names of respondents
  1. Stevechem Pty Ltd as Trustee for The Steven Litas Family Trust (Alex Junior)
  2. Black Bean Coffee Bar Pty Ltd as Trustee for ECT Family Trust
  3. The Trustee for KRK Trust
  4. The Trustee for The Wilson Trust (Mairi Catering Perth)
  5. Timestart Investments Pty Ltd / The Trustee for The Christianopoulos Family Trust
Approved By CEO
Approved Date 13 December 2022
Approved List of Acceptable Tenderers
  1. The trustee for The Wilson Trust (Mairi Catering Perth / Wisterias Edge)
  2. Stevechem Pty Ltd as trustee for The Steven Litas Family Trust (Alex Junior)
  3. Black Bean Coffee Bar Pty Ltd as trustee for ECT Family Trust


Provision of Traffic Management Plan Services

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Invitation Number 035/22
Title Provision of Traffic Management Plan Services
Advertisement Date 3 September 2022
Closing Date and Time 20 September 2022, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 035-22
List of names of tenderers
  1. Downer EDI Works Pty Ltd
  2. Evolution Traffic Management Pty Ltd
  3. Metro Traffic Planning Pty Ltd
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By CEO
Award Date 15 November 2022
Awarded To
  1. Downer EDI Works Pty Ltd
  2. Metro Traffic Planning Pty Ltd
Price Consideration (ex GST)


Provision of dog and cat (animal) holding facilities

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Tender Number 033/22
Tender name Provision of dog and cat (animal) holding facilities
Advertisement Date 6 August 2022
Tender Closing Date and Time 24 August 2022, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 033-22
List of names of tenderers
  1. Hanrob North Perth Pty Ltd
  2. Royal Society for The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Western Australia (Incorporated) t/as RSPCA WA Inc
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By Council CJ176-10/22
Award Date 18 October 2022
Awarded To Royal Society for The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Western Australia (Incorporated) t/as RSPCA WA Inc
Price Consideration (ex GST) $384,086 (estimated)


Provision of traffic management and control services

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Tender Number 032/22
Tender name Provision of traffic management and control services
Advertisement Date 6 August 2022
Tender Closing Date and Time 23 August 2022, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 032-22
List of names of tenderers
  1. Advanced Traffic Management (WA) Pty Ltd
  2. Altus Traffic Pty Ltd
  3. Contra-flow Pty Ltd
  4. Evolution Traffic Management Pty Ltd
  5. Welstand Services Pty Ltd (LGC Traffic Management)
  6. QTM Pty Ltd
  7. Warp Pty Ltd
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By Council CJ175-10/22
Award Date 18 October 2022
Awarded To QTM Pty Ltd
Price Consideration (ex GST) $2,075,775 (estimated)


Supply and delivery of precast stormwater drainage products (Panel)

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Invitation Number 027/22
Title Supply and delivery of precast stormwater drainage products (Panel)
Advertisement Date 6 August 2022
Closing Date and Time 24 August 2022, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 027-22
List of names of tenderers
  1. Access Icon Pty Ltd (Cascada Group)
  3. T C Precast Pty Ltd (Hydra Storm)
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By Council CJ174-10/22
Award Date 18 October 2022
Awarded To
  1. Access Icon Pty Ltd (Cascada Group)
  3. T C Precast Pty Ltd (Hydra Storm)
Price Consideration (ex GST) $1,247,331 (estimated)


Provision of repairs, routine and preventative maintenance, replacement of existing equipment, and new mechanical installations to the value of $10,000

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Tender Number 028/22
Tender name Provision of repairs, routine and preventative maintenance, replacement of existing equipment, and new mechanical installations to the value of $10,000
Advertisement Date 9 July 2022
Tender Closing Date and Time 27 July 2022, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 028/22
List of names of tenderers
  1. AMS Technology Group Pty Ltd
  2. Australian Airconditioning Services Pty Ltd
  3. Precise Air Group Pty Ltd
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By Council CJ160-09/22
Award Date 20 September 2022
Awarded To Australian Airconditioning Services Pty Ltd
Price Consideration (ex GST) $1,451,935 (estimated)


Provision of public open space barbecue cleaning

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Tender Number 023/22
Tender name Provision of public open space barbecue cleaning
Advertisement Date 9 July 2022
Tender Closing Date and Time 26 July 2022, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 023/22
List of names of tenderers
Contract Type Lump Sum
Award By CEO
Award Date 18 October 2022
Awarded To Intelife Group Limited
Price Consideration (ex GST) $370,763


Supply and laying of concrete kerbing

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Tender Number 025/22
Tender name Supply and laying of concrete kerbing
Advertisement Date 9 July 2022
Tender Closing Date and Time 26 July 2022, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 025/22
List of names of tenderers
  1. Kerb Direct Kerbing Pty Ltd as Trustee for Kerb Direct Kerbing Trust
  2. Allstate Kerbing and Concrete Pty Ltd as Trustee for Allstate Kerbing and Concrete Trust (Allstate Kerbing & Concrete)
  3. Weskerb Pty Ltd
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By Council CJ159-09/22
Award Date 20 September 2022
Awarded To
  1. Weskerb Pty Ltd
Price Consideration (ex GST) $2,264,599 (estimated)


Ocean Reef Park – Construction of new toilet/changeroom facility

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Tender Number 002/22
Tender name Ocean Reef Park – Construction of new toilet/changeroom facility
Advertisement Date 25 June 2022
Tender Closing Date and Time 20 July 2022, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 002/22
List of names of tenderers
  1. Hoskins Investments Pty Ltd as Trustee for M R Hoskins Family Trust (A E Hoskins & Sons)
  2. Construct360 Pty Ltd
  3. CP Projects Pty Ltd
  4. Hickey Constructions Pty Ltd
  5. LKS Constructions (WA) Pty Ltd
  6. Solution 4 Building Pty Ltd
Contract Type Fixed Price
Award By Council CJ158-09/22
Award Date 20 September 2022
Awarded To Hickey Constructions Pty Ltd
Price Consideration (ex GST) $934,437


Invitation to join panel of pre-qualified suppliers for the supply of swimwear, activewear and associated products for Craigie Leisure Centre

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Invitation Number 022/22
Title Invitation to join panel of pre-qualified suppliers for the supply of swimwear, activewear and associated products for Craigie Leisure Centre
Advertisement Date 21 May 2022
Closing Date and Time 8 June 2022, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 022-22
List of names of tenderers
  1. Speedo Australia Pty. Limited
  2. Vorgee Pty Ltd
  3. Way Funky Company Pty Ltd (Alternative Offer)
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By CEO
Award Date 17 August 2022
Awarded To
  1. Speedo Australia Pty. Limited
  2. Vorgee Pty Ltd
  3. Way Funky Company Pty Ltd
Price Consideration (ex GST) $202,836 (estimated)


Invitation to join panel of pre-qualified suppliers for the provision of hand weeding services in natural areas

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Invitation Number 006/22
Title Invitation to join panel of pre-qualified suppliers for the provision of hand weeding
Advertisement Date 6 April 2022
Tender Closing Date and Time 27 April 2022, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice 006-22
List of names of tenderers
  1. GreenSteam Australia Pty Ltd
  2. Natural Area Holdings Pty Ltd (Natural Area Consulting Management Services)
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By CEO
Award Date 6 July 2022
Awarded To
  1. GreenSteam Australia Pty Ltd
  2. Natural Area Holdings Pty Ltd (Natural Area Consulting Management Services)
Price Consideration (ex GST)


Bushfire mitigation – Firebreaks and fuel reduction

To access tenders please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink

Tender Number 017/22
Tender name Bushfire mitigation – Firebreaks and fuel reduction
Advertisement Date 30 March 2022
Tender Closing Date and Time 20 April 2022, 2.00pm
Advertisement Notice Ad 017-22
List of names of tenderers
  1. Environmental Industries Pty Ltd
  2. Martins Environmental Services Pty Ltd
  3. Natural Area Holdings Pty Ltd
Contract Type Schedule of rates
Award By Council


Award Date 28 June 2022
Awarded To Natural Area Holdings Pty Ltd
Price Consideration (ex GST) $1,979,161 (estimated)


Tender Register

Below is a list of all Tenders and Expressions of Interest.

To view Tenders and Expressions of Interest called for prior to 2021, please call 9400 4390.

To access tenders and expressions of interest please go to the City’s e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink.

Open Tenders

Tender Name Tender Number Advertisement/ Publication Date Closing Date and Time
Provision of enterprise software support services 029/24 28 September 2024 17 October 2024,        2.00pm WST
Provision of chemical weed control in natural areas 011/24 2 October 2024 24 October 2024,        2.00pm WST

Open Expressions of Interest

EOI Name EOI Number Advertisement/ Publication Date Closing Date and Time
Commercial Opportunity Duffy House 026/24 16 September 2024 14 October 2024, 2.00pm WST

Closed Tenders

Tender Name Tender Status
Local Planning Strategy Review – Strategic Options Development 025/24 Under evaluation
Supply and installation of a synthetic bowling club green at Warwick Bowling Club 018/24 Under evaluation
Provision of landscape and irrigation maintenance services  – Iluka 023/24 Under evaluation
Invitation to join a panel of pre-qualified suppliers for the supply and delivery of tree stock 022/24 Awarded
Construction of the Percy Doyle outdoor youth facilities 002/24 Awarded
Processing of commingled recyclables services 012/24 Awarded
Bulk furniture and white goods collection and processing services 019/24 Awarded
Provision of works to extract and transport sand from Sorrento Beach to Hillarys Beach 016/24 Awarded
Design, supply and construct bike facilities for urban bike trails within three separate City of Joondalup parks 020/24 Awarded
Provision of architectural and specialist consultancy services for the Sorrento Surf Life Saving Club facility redevelopment project 003/24 Awarded
Civic Centre chiller upgrade and replacement 017/24 Awarded
Plumbing maintenance services and minor plumbing works of value less than $100,000 015/24 Awarded
Percy Doyle football / teeball clubroom – refurbishment and extension 001/24 Awarded
Establishment and operation of the Joondalup Innovation Incubator 014/24 Awarded
Greenwood Scouts Hall – Refurbishment and extension 004/24 Awarded
Provision of tree maintenance services (Powerline pruning) 005/24 Awarded
Provision of tree maintenance services (General pruning) 006/24 Awarded
Bulk hard waste collection and processing services 008/24 Awarded
Bulk green waste collection and processing services 009/24 Awarded
Bulk mattresses, furniture and white goods collection and processing services 010/24 All offers declined
Design, supply and construction of a skate facility at the proposed Percy Doyle outdoor youth facility 029/23 Awarded
Design, supply and construction of a bike facility at the proposed Percy Doyle outdoor youth facility 028/23 Awarded
Provision of an integrated parking and compliance management system 020/23 Awarded
Waterproofing to podium slab at the Joondalup Civic Centre and library complex 019/23 Awarded
Balustrade wall replacement in Joondalup Administration Building 022/23 Awarded
Provision of aquatic systems preventative maintenance services 018-23 Awarded
Provision of cleaning services for Craigie Leisure Centre 021/23 Awarded
Supply and installation of a synthetic bowling club green to Joondalup Bowling Club 015/23 Awarded
Supply and application of turf enhancement products and/or top dressing 014-23 Awarded
Provision of wet plant hire 017-23 Awarded
Christchurch Park extension and refurbishment 003/23 Awarded
Provision of light vehicle logbook servicing and repairs 011/23 Awarded
Supply and delivery of dog waste bags and roadside bags 010/23 Awarded
Provision of road works and services 00723 Awarded
Provision of café services at Craigie Leisure Centre – Restricted Tender 009/23 Awarded
Provision of services for the redevelopment of the City of Joondalup website 008/23 Awarded
Invitation to join panel of pre-qualified suppliers for the supply and delivery of premix concrete 001/23 All offers declined
Invitation to join panel of pre-qualified suppliers for the provision of mowing services 004-23 Awarded
Burns Beach Food and Beverage Opportunity 044/22 Progressed to Stage 2
Bulk hard and bulk green waste collection and processing services 034/22 All offers declined
Provision of planting, maintenance and truck watering services for the City of Joondalup leafy city program 043/22 Awarded
Invitation to join panel of pre-qualified suppliers for supply, delivery and installation of turf 041/22 Awarded
Provision of cleaning and washroom hygiene services for City of Joondalup community facilities, libraries and child health centres 039/22 Awarded
Provision of cleaning and washroom hygiene services for City of Joondalup stand-alone public toilets and cleaning of attached public toilet facilities 040/22 Awarded
Provision of irrigation pump and bore maintenance services 042/22 Awarded
Supply and delivery of PVC pipes, fittings and sprinklers 038/22 Awarded
Provision of café services at Craigie Leisure Centre under a lease agreement 037/22 Approved
Provision of Traffic Management Plan Services 035/22 Awarded
Provision of electrical services and new electrical installations to the value of $50,000 excluding street lighting 030/22 Awarded
Provision of metal fabrication services 031/22 Awarded
Community Art Gallery – Creative North 036/22 Did not proceed
Supply and delivery of precast stormwater drainage products (Panel) 027/22 Awarded
Provision of traffic management and control services 032/22 Awarded
Provision of dog and cat (animal) holding facilities 033/22 Awarded
Provision of graffiti control and associated services 029/22 Awarded
Provision of repairs, routine and preventative maintenance, replacement of existing equipment, and new mechanical installations to the value of $10,000 028/22 Awarded
Supply and laying of concrete kerbing 025/22 Awarded
Provision of public open space barbecue cleaning 023/22 Awarded
Ocean Reef Park – Construction of new toilet/changeroom facility 002/22 Awarded
Materials testing and analysis support services 026/22 Awarded
Supply of swimwear, activewear and associated products for Craigie Leisure Centre retail outlet 022/22 Awarded
Provision of works to extract and transport sand from Sorrento Beach to Hillarys Beach 021/22 Awarded
Provision of repairs, routine and preventative maintenance, and minor modifications of existing fire services 019/22 Awarded
Hydrothermal application for the control of weeds to nominated locations 018/22 Awarded
Herbicide application for the control of weeds to nominated locations 013/22 Awarded
Invitation to join panel of pre-qualified suppliers for the provision of hand weeding 006/22 Awarded
Provision of catering and function centre services at Joondalup Reception Centre 009/22 Tender did not proceed
Bushfire Mitigation – Firebreaks and Fuel Reduction 017/22 Awarded
Provision of an integrated cloud CCTV system 010/22 Did not proceed
Upgrade to Sorrento football club changerooms 011/22 Awarded
Craigie Leisure Centre – geothermal refurbishment 012/22 Awarded
Bulk green waste collection and processing services 020/22 Awarded
Laying of brick pavers 014/22 Awarded
Supply and delivery of precast stormwater drainage products 015/22 All offers declined
Provision of transactional banking services 016/22 Awarded
Enterprise business platform implementation 003/22 Awarded
Turf leaf, plant leaf, soil and parasite analysis, and application audits 001/22 Awarded
Supply, delivery and installation of gates, bollards and bushland fencing 004/22 Awarded
Supply and installation of a synthetic bowling club green to Sorrento Bowling Club 005/22 Awarded
Provision of a parking management system (EOI) 003/21 Approved
Provision of Technology 1 support services 025/21 Awarded
Sweeping of urban and arterial roads, car parks, pavements and pathways within the City 022/21 Awarded
Supply and installation of concrete paths, crossovers and associated works 021/21 Awarded
Drilling, development and testing of bores 020/21 Awarded
Provision of preliminary works prior to road resurfacing 019/21 Awarded
Chichester Park community sporting facility project 014/21 Awarded
Provision of beach lifeguard patrol services 017/21 Awarded
Supply, installation, management and removal of Christmas decorations 023/21 Awarded
Invitation to join panel of pre-qualified suppliers for the supply and delivery of tree stock 016/21 Awarded
Emerald Park Clubrooms – extension and refurbishment 005/21 Awarded
Provision of irrigation electrical services 013/21 Awarded
Building minor works and maintenance of value less than $250,000 010/21 Awarded
Shenton Avenue Upgrade Design and Documentation 009/21 Awarded
Provision of chemical weed control in natural areas 007/21 Awarded
Provision of cleaning and washroom hygiene services for City of Joondalup stand-alone public toilets and cleaning of attached public toilet facilities 012/21 Awarded
Provision of cleaning and washroom hygiene services for City of Joondalup community facilities, libraries and child health centres 011/21 Awarded
Plumbing maintenance services and minor plumbing works of value less than $100,000 006/21 Awarded
Craigie Leisure Centre refurbishment project 004/21 Awarded
Provision of planting, maintenance and truck watering for the City of Joondalup Leafy City program 008/21 Awarded
Provision of median and verge mowing to nominated locations in zone one (north) and/or zone two (central) and/or zone three (south) 002/21 Awarded
Provision of works to remove and dispose of grass thatch 001/21 Awarded
Warwick Bowling Club refurbishment 022/20 Awarded
Panel of Prequalified Suppliers – provision of vehicle and plant mechanical services 030/20 Awarded
Provision of works to extract and transport sand from Sorrento Beach to Hillarys Beach 032/20 Awarded
Repairs and maintenance of security systems/cameras, and installation of security systems to a value of less than $30,000 within City of Joondalup facilities 033/20 Awarded
Provision of tree maintenance services 035/20 Awarded



Useful links for suppliers

There are other ways the City can obtain goods and services that may provide opportunities to suppliers to engage with the City and other local governments.

Local governments can utilise State Government Common Use Arrangements and the West Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) Preferred Supplier Program.

Goods and services purchased through either of these are exempt from the requirement for a tender if the value procured is $250,000 or greater.

WALGA Tenders and Preferred Supplier Panels

WALGA establishes panels of preferred suppliers for goods and services via a tender process. These panels can be utilised by all WA local governments.

WALGA tenders are issued via the WALGA Tenderlink portal. Suppliers can register at no charge for automatic notification of WALGA tenders within nominated goods and services categories.

Prospective suppliers can also submit a Preferred Supplier Panel Enquiry directly to WALGA.

This registers your interest in a panel and will ensure you receive notification of when a tender is advertised for new suppliers only.

To find out more about the WALGA Preferred Supplier Program please visit the WALGA website. Enquiries relating to this program should be made directly to WALGA by email or call 9213 2505.

WA State Government Tenders

Register and search online for WA State Government tenders.


Additional information

Tenderlink offer a paid subscription service which provides email notifications of new tenders and quotes across Australia. To find out more visit Tenderlink.

The Australian Tenders website lists over 1000 tenders from all over Australia including Federal, State and Local Government tenders and a number of private company tenders. A paid subscription service is also available.

Suppliers may also register and search online for Australian Federal Government tenders.

Quotations for goods and services

The City obtains quotations for purchases between $5,000 and $250,000.

Purchases below $5,000 are obtained via direct purchase.

The City uses VendorPanel to simplify the way it sends and receives quotations to and from suppliers. VendorPanel is a web-based eProcurement system used by hundreds of organisations to increase transparency and compliance in quote-based purchasing from approved suppliers.

VendorPanel gives suppliers an easy and consistent way to hear about opportunities from the City. It is:

  • easy to set up
  • alerts you to new quotation requests
  • provides you with an opportunity to make the City aware of the goods, services and expertise you can offer.

In the VendorPanel system, the City has set up supplier lists for various goods and services it requires.

To register your interest in being added to one of the City’s supplier lists, please contact the City on 9400 4390 or via email and provide the following:

  • Company name.
  • ABN.
  • Contact name.
  • Email address.
  • Description of services/products offered.

Should the City have a supplier list that matches your profile, you will receive an invitation to register via VendorPanel. Once you have accepted that invitation and created your company profile you will be ready to receive requests from the City and submit quotations back to the City.

For further information visit VendorPanel.


The City tenders for goods and services valued at $250,000 and above.

All tenders are advertised in The West Australian newspaper in the local government tenders section. Tenders are advertised in either the Saturday or Wednesday edition.

To receive notification of all Tender opportunities, sign up to the Tender Alert.

The City uses an e-Procurement portal managed by Tenderlink.

The City invites suppliers to register with Tenderlink to access tender opportunities.

Registration is free and includes:

  • automatic email alerts for tenders that match the profile set by your organisation
  • access to view, download and clarify tender and expression of interest documents
  • a secure digital platform to submit responses to tenders and expression of interests
  • access to the latest information on awarded contracts.

Tender submissions must be received by the advertised closing date via the e-Procurement portal to be considered for evaluation.

Facsimile, paper copy and email submissions will not be accepted.

All tenders close 2.00pm, Australian Western Standard Time. To minimise the risk of non-acceptance, it is recommended that responses be submitted well ahead of the closing time.