Contact the City if you have questions, need assistance, or want to provide feedback, we are here to help.
Customer Care Centre - Administration Building
- 90 Boas Avenue, Joondalup
8.30am - 5pm Monday to Friday (except on public holidays)
PO Box 21, Joondalup, WA 6919 -
- +61 8 9400 4000
Online support
myJoondalup is the City’s customer self-service portal that enables you to create an account and request for various City services, and keep track of the status of your requests.
To report damage or maintenance requirements of a City asset or area, please complete the form below for a response and action. Examples of assets or areas maintained by the City include potholes, broken footpaths, building maintenance, playspace issues and damaged seats.
To report street tree maintenance, fallen branches and tree removal please visit the tree maintenance page.
Emergencies and after-hours support
Contact emergency services on 000 for:
Serious crime
Life or serious injury is threatened
Urgent medical attention is required
Any incident which poses an immediate threat of danger to people or property
An explosion or bomb incident or threat.
Call the WA Police on 131 444 for:
Criminal activity
Suspicious activity
Anti-social behaviour
Loitering and obstruction of other members of the public using public space.
Drug use
Noisy or rowdy behaviour, intimidation or bullying
Fighting and acts of physical violence
Consuming alcohol in a public place
Drunk or disorderly behaviour (includes parties)
Noisy neighbours, including shouting, swearing and fighting
People sleeping in public places
Property damage and vandalism.
Call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 for anonymous reporting of criminal or suspicious behaviour.
You can also make a report online.
Call the City of Joondalup on 9400 4000 and press ‘1’ for urgent situations, such as:
Fallen trees on roads
Lost or injured dogs and cats
Burning off
Damage to roads causing a hazard
Damage to City (council) buildings and other assets
Offensive graffiti
Illegally parked vehicles
Illegal dumping.
Call the Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055 for injured, orphaned, stranded or deceased native wildlife in public places.
Note: As the coastline of the City of Joondalup district is adjacent to the Marmion Marine Park, the responsibility rests with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Attractions – Parks and Wildlife Service.
National relay service
- TTY number: 13 36 77
- Voice relay number: 1300 555 727
- SMS relay number: 0423 677 767
Auslan interpreting services
The City can provide free Auslan interpreting services to anyone who requires it to conduct City business.
- Non-English Speaker Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS): 13 14 50