Decommissioning pools
The information provided below are guidance notes only.
When removing (decommissioning) an existing swimming pool, the following two options are available:
Option one – pool shell is removed completely
- Firstly advise the City in writing via letter or email that you intend to remove your pool shell completely
- Once the City has acknowledged the removal of the pool shell, the water in your pool will need to be pumped out and disposed of off-site
- In order to remove the pool shell you will need to engage the services of a structural engineer on how to remove the pool shell. They should provide you with advice on the filling and compaction of the excavation
- A copy of the compaction test results will need to be sent to the City for its records
- Contact the City’s swimming pool inspection team on 9400 4262 to organise a time an inspector can attend your property to confirm the pool has been removed
- The City’s Rates section will be advised that the pool shell has been removed
In most instances the removal of a pool does not require a building permit application. However, if the removal of the shell impacts on adjoining structures such as a dwellings, patios/outbuildings, a building permit application may be required. For further information contact the City’s Building Services on 9400 4961.
Option two – pool shell remains but is decommissioned
- Firstly advise the City in writing via letter or email that you intend to decommission the existing pool shell to prevent it from holding any water
- Once the City has acknowledged the decommissioning of the pool shell, the water in your pool will need to be pumped out and disposed of off-site
- In order to decommission the pool shell you should engage the services of a structural engineer on how to decommission the pool shell including details to prevent water build up and to ensure there are no long term structural issues from the decommissioning. The structural engineer should provide advice on the filling and compaction of the unfilled pool
- A copy of the compaction test results will need to be sent to the City for its records
- Contact the City’s swimming pool inspection team on 9400 4262 to organise a time an inspector can attend your property to confirm the pool has been decommissioned
- The City’s Rates section will be advised that the pool shell has been decommissioned
In most instances the decommissioning of a pool shell does not require a building permit application. However, if your structural engineer has provided advise and works need to occur to the site, a building permit application may be required. For further information contact the City’s Building Services on 9400 4961.
It is important to note that at all times the pool must be protected by a compliant safety barrier in accordance with A.S.1926.1.