Garage – approval requirements

The Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) define a garage as:

‘Any roofed structure, other than a carport, designed to accommodate one or more motor vehicles and attached to the dwelling.’

If the garage is not attached to the main house, it is classified as an outbuilding.

Planning requirements

A garage on a residential property will require a development (planning) application where it does not meet the requirements of the R-Codes, the City’s Residential Development Local Planning Policy (RDLPP), Development in Housing Opportunity Areas Local Planning Policy (HOALPP) or structure plan (if applicable).

Generally for a single house or grouped dwelling a development (planning) application is not required for your garage if it complies with the following:

  • Setback to minimum distance from the street boundary for your R-Code density (refer table below).
  • Setback the minimum distance from the side boundary for your R-Code density (refer table below).
  • For a single storey house, the garage occupies no more than 50% of the property frontage.
  • Where new hardstand areas (e.g. driveway) are being built, 50% of the street setback area is landscaped.

Additional requirements may apply if:

  • For higher dual-density properties, the garage is being built over landscaping area or removing trees.
  • The property is within a structure plan area.
  • A new driveway and/or crossover is being constructed, or an existing one modified. In addition to planning requirements, crossovers are required to be built in accordance with the City’s Crossover Guidelines.

All garages to multiple dwellings and commercial developments will require a development (planning) application.

R-Code Density Minimum Open Space Minimum Garage Street Setback Minimum Side or Rear Setback** Maximum Driveway Width (at the street boundary)
R20 50% Street the house faces: 4.5m and 0.5m behind the front of the house with all the buildings having an average street setback of 6m.

Side loading garages can be setback 3m where windows are incorporated into the street facade and all buildings have an average setback of 6m.

Other streets (corner property): 1.5m

Length 10-14m: 1m

Length more than 14m: 1.5m

The total length includes the length of the garage and any attached structures.



where two driveways are proposed, a total width of 9m

R20/25* 50% 5.5m 1m 4.5m
R20/30* 45%
R20/40* 45%
R20/60* 40%
*For properties with a dual-density code (e.g. R20/40) the requirements only apply if the property is developed at the higher density (e.g. R40). If your property has not been built to the higher density, refer to R20 requirements.

**A boundary wall (where the wall is setback closer than 600mm to a side or rear boundary) may be permitted where it is behind the street setback and meets the length and height requirements of the R-Codes, RDLPP or HOALPP (as applicable).

Building requirements

A building permit will be required for a garage.