The City is committed to improving road safety and to ensure roads provide a safe travel environment for all users.

Speed limits
Main Roads WA are responsible for approving speed limits and speed signs throughout the state. All roads in built up areas are 50km/h, unless it is signposted otherwise, for example, 40km/h in school zones.
Requests for speed limit changes should be directed to the City via The City will assess requests and, if changes are deemed necessary will submit the change to Main Roads WA.

Please slow down road safety initiative
The 'Consider Our Kids' initiative urges drivers to slow down in built-up areas to prevent road-related deaths and injuries in Western Australia. The Road Safety Council conducts regular campaigns on this issue.
'Please Slow Down, Consider Our Kids' stickers placed on wheelie bins serve as reminders to drivers. Over 70 Local Governments have supported the initiative, placing 300,000+ stickers across Western Australia.

School road safety
One of the most common issues affecting schools and general pedestrian safety, can be vehicle congestion and illegal parking. The City encourages schools to use the school road safety materials produced by the School Drug Education and Road Aware Program (SDERA) and Constable Care. For ongoing concerns about speeding or unsafe driving, please contact the WA Police.

Request a ‘kiss and drive’ facility
Requests for a ‘kiss and drive’ facility must be received from the Principal or Parents and Citizens Committee in writing via Kiss and drive signs can be purchased from WALGA Roadwise on 9213 2000. The operation of a kiss and drive is the responsibility of the school.

Children’s crossings
New children’s crossings are approved by the WA Police Children’s Crossing Unit, with the City providing advice and support for schools. Schools should contact the City before submitting an application for a new or existing children’s crossing. Information on children’s crossings and application forms are available by contacting the WA Police Children’s Crossing Unit.

Traffic management for events and road works
Residents undertaking work within the City’s road reserve, or those responsible for organising an event that involves a change to the existing traffic environment, must organise a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and submit it to the City prior to the work/event to allow for adequate time to assess and approve the TMP.