Native Plant Giveaway

Native Plant Giveaway banner
Published on: Thursday, 16 January 2025
News type:
The City’s Native Plant Giveaway is returning in 2025!

The Native Plant Giveaway 2025 is an opportunity for eligible residents to receive free native and waterwise plants and trees to help cool and green our neighbourhood.

By joining our program this year you can help us create waterwise and native gardens that both you and local wildlife can enjoy, while saving water, time and money.

Help us plant for the future, create a waterwise community and establish wildlife friendly gardens and verges. Read more about how to get involved.

Father and daughter enjoying an early morning

What you need to know

The Native Plant Giveaway 2025 is a free program open to homeowners and occupiers in the City of Joondalup with a garden, verge, courtyard or suitable balcony.

The program is designed to encourage residents to replace their lawn, fake lawn or exotic gardens with sustainable and waterwise gardens and verges that also improve biodiversity within the City and reduce our water use.

Black Cockatoo

Why native and waterwise plants?

There are many benefits to waterwise and native gardens for our community and local wildlife. Waterwise and native gardens save us time and money as they are suitable for our climate and soils, and they also reduce the urban heat island effect, help save threatened species such as the Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo and are more resilient to changes in the local environment. 

People holding plants

What will participants receive?

  • Five native seedlings per successful applicant, with a choice between two bespoke plant packs.
  • The opportunity to collect a free habitat tree in addition to the five plants provided.
  • Resources on habitat gardening.
  • A digital sign that can be printed and displayed near their new plants, or shared on social media.

*The Native Plant Giveaway 2025 Guide will be available on this page soon.

plants image

How do I join?

Expressions of interest can be submitted online from Tuesday 4 March-Friday 14 March 2025

Please read the Terms and Conditions and Frequently Asked Questions below for further information about the application process.


  • This program is open to all residents within the boundaries of the City of Joondalup local government area with a garden, verge, courtyard or suitable balcony.
  • Businesses, schools and early learning centres are not eligible.

Terms and conditions

  • Participants must be a residential property owner or occupier within the boundaries of the City of Joondalup (City). Proof of this must be shown if requested (for example rates notice or drivers’ licence).
  • The information that participants provide will be used by the City for the purpose of conducting this program. The City will not share any information collected with third parties. By participating, the participants consent to use their contact details and personal information for the purposes described in these terms and conditions. This information will be collected, processed, used and protected in accordance with the applicable data security and privacy laws. 
  • Participating in this program is at no cost and is for free.
  • An online Expression of Interest application to participate in the program must be submitted to the City within the ten day Expression of Interest application period.
  • The Expression of Interest application period starts on Tuesday 4 March 2025 and will close on Friday 14 March 2025.
  • The City will select successful applicants randomly from the total number of applications, however priority will be given to applicants who have not previously received native plants from the City through the Waterwise Verge Rebate Program in 2022/23 or Native Plant Giveaway in 2023/24.
  • If the Expression of Interest to participate in the Native Plant Giveaway 2024/25 is successful, the participant will receive a confirmation email from the City.
  • The confirmation email will include a link to book online a preferred date and time for a Native Plant Giveaway event (Event) to collect their plant pack. Failure to book a timeslot by the deadline will result in the reallocation of the participant's plant pack.
  • Failure of a participant to collect their plant pack on their selected date and time will result in the reallocation of their plant pack. The City will not be liable to any participant who cannot collect their plant pack.  
  • A limit of one plant pack containing with five plants per residential allotment applies. 
  • An additional habitat tree may be available in addition to the 5-plant pack if considered suitable for the property and stock is available, resulting in a maximum of six plants per residential property.
  • Equal amounts of each plant pack type will be available at each Event until stocks run out. If a resident strongly prefers one type of pack, they are encouraged to arrive early to their chosen Event. 
  • Plant pack and habitat tree species included in the Native Plant Giveaway Guide 2024/25 are dependent on nursery availability and are subject to change.
  • Participants may only collect one plant pack for one residential property at one of the four plant giveaway Events. The City will honour multiple property ownership if this is arranged and documented in writing with the City prior to the selected plant giveaway Event.
  • A total of 1,300 plant packs will be available across the four plant giveaway Events.
  • This program is to be constructed strictly between the times designated or until all plant packs have been allocated at each of the four plant giveaway Events.
  • Each plant pack is not transferrable, exchangeable or redeemable for cash by the participant. Once collected, the City takes no responsibility for the plant pack being damaged, lost or stolen.
  • Residents participating in the program commit to:
    • Collect their plants within their selected timeslot.
    • Read the City’s Native Plant Giveaway 2024/25 Program Guide and FAQs.
    • Use water efficiently in their garden.
    • Plant and care for any new plants they receive in accordance with the City’s Native Plant Giveaway 2024/25 Program Guide.
    • Keep cats indoors or safely contained outdoors to prevent impacts to native animals (if applicable).
    • Consider providing a water source and other habitat elements for native animals in their garden.
    • Complete the post program evaluation survey.
  • The City reserves the right to vary the terms of, or cancel, the program at any time without liability to any participant or other person, subject to applicable laws.
  • If participation is via Facebook/Instagram or if the program is promoted on Facebook/Instagram or any other social media platforms, the program is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with Facebook or Instagram and each participant agrees to grant Facebook or Instagram (or any other social media platform) a complete release from any claims that they now have or may have in the future which relate to or are incidental to the program. Participants acknowledge and agree that: 
    • any information they provide in connection with the program is provided to the City and not to Facebook, Instagram or any other social network; and 
    • any questions, comments or complaints regarding the program will be directed to the City, not to Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform.
  • Participants agree that they have read and acknowledge their acceptance of these terms and conditions. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Plant lists for each of the plant packs can be found in the Native Plant Giveaway 2024/25 guide.
To find other plants suitable for your garden and soil type, the following resources are available:

If you were selected to participate in the Native Plant Giveaway 2024/25 after completing an Expression of Interest form, you will receive an email from to select a date and be provided details of plant collection. Please ensure that you select a timeslot in order to be allocated a plant pack.

Autumn is the best time of year to get plants into the ground as you will be able to take advantage of cooler soil and seasonal rainfall. You may be able to apply for a watering exemption to help get your new plants established if hot weather persists later in the year.

The native seedlings will be approximately five months old when you take them home. They come in small tubestock pots that are around 50mm tall. We choose tubestock (seedlings in small pots) as they adapt better and grow quicker in their new environment. They are also more affordable meaning we can provide you with more plants.

This is dependent on the species, the plant itself and the conditions it in planted in such as the sun, soil, watering and the amount of moisture retained moisture through mulching. They will generally take around two years to establish into healthy young plants and several more to grow into their full potential.

In summer your garden may require watering 1-2 days a week to get established during the first 1-2 years of life. Once established, native plants require very little watering as they are usually drought tolerant plants that have adapted to our unique soil and climate conditions. If you need further advice you can contact a waterwise specialist for advice on which watering system will best suit your garden’s needs. 

Spread waterwise organic mulch to an even layer of minimum 50mm to suppress weeds and keep the soil moist. 

Residents can download the annual Waste Guide online to request free mulch and compost vouchers. 

Always ensure you are purchasing mulch from a reputable place to prevent the spread of pests and pathogens such as Polyphagous shot-hole borer.  

Yes! We have a pack specifically designed for verges to support your waterwise and wildlife-friendly verge. Please read the City’s Street Verge Guidelines, Verges and crossovers page and/or the City’s Pedestrian accessway page to get started.

Water Corporation also have great resources such as a Waterwise verge guide to help you design your waterwise verge.

Yes, if its suitable for your verge. You can apply for the City’s Street tree planting program and choose a free tree for your verge from the preferred tree species list. If you already have a street tree that requires maintenance, you can apply for Street tree maintenance

We are lucky to have so many incredible local nurseries where we can buy waterwise native plants and tubestock. Find your local nursery by visiting Water Corporation’s Waterwise specialists directory, garden centres and nurseries or the Wildflower Society’s WA Native Plant Nurseries.

  • Find out more about sustainable gardening and visit our soils map to find out your soil type which plants work best for your property.
  • Water Corporation have a range of native waterwise gardening designs, advice on soil preparation, a Waterwise verge guide and access to waterwise specialists who can help with your waterwise gardening.
  • ReWild Perth have advice on how to build native gardens with local wildlife in mind to improve biodiversity.
  • NatureLink Perth have plenty of resources to help you green and cool your neighbourhood.
  • Birdlife have plenty of tips to help you create a bird-friendly garden.
  • The Re-Cyc-Ology Project have tips and advice to help you create nest boxes and habitat for wildlife.
  • Johnny Perfumo, The Frog Doctor has advice about creating frog-friendly gardens to create a healthy and balanced backyard ecosystem or frog pond.

If you have more questions about the Native Plant Giveaway or creating a wildlife friendly garden, you can contact an Environmental Project Officer on for assistance.

The Native Plant Giveaway is proudly co-funded by Water Corporation’s Waterwise Greening Scheme and is part of the City’s ambition to be a leading waterwise community. 

Waterwise gold

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