Customer satisfaction survey 2023

The City of Joondalup surveyed the community to help understand what they think of the services the City provides and where improvements can be made. The survey is conducted every two years to measure the level of overall satisfaction with the City, as well as assess the performance of services relevant to residents.

Customer satisfaction ratings

89.9% of customers are satisfied with services provided
97.2% of customers are satisfied with the City of Joondalup as a place to live
72.5% of customers are satisfied with the value of money from rates
82.4% of customers are satisfied with their customer service experience


Summary of satisfaction results

96.1% Library services 79.9% Pool inspections
93.4% Craigie Leisure Centre 83.1% Community safety
91.4% Parks 85.5% Landscaping design
87.0% Emergency management 83.9% Cultural services
87.5% Community facilities 83.1% Community development
87.0% Conservation and natural area management 77.5% City communications
88.7% Waste management 78.0% Tourism and visitor attraction
83.2% Roads 71.5% Parking and management provision
85.8% Transport and traffic management 64.5% Community consultation and engagement
86.3% Environmental health services 83.8% City website