Discovery Outbound Aboriginal Experience

Aboriginal Experience at Yanchep National Park


Adults aged 50 and older are invited to join us for an Aboriginal Experience outing to Yanchep National Park as part of the Outbound Discovery program, ahead of National Reconciliation Week. The event will be held on Tuesday 21 May 2024, with the bus departing from Whitford Library at 9.30am, returning at 2pm.

Discover the culture of the Noongar people of WA’s southwest at Yanchep National Park, including their seasonal movements, language and how knowledge is passed from generation to generation. See tools such as spears and boomerangs, a didgeridoo demonstration and discover the significance of plants and animals to Noongar people.

Book online via Ticketbooth.

Tickets cost $8 for City of Joondalup concession card holders, or $15 for adults.


Picture: Tourism WA / DBCA