Deputation request

Prior to the agenda of a Briefing Session being discussed by Elected Members, members of the public are provided an opportunity to make a deputation at the Briefing Session.

Members of the public wishing to make a deputation at a Briefing Session may make a written request to the Chief Executive Officer by close of business on the day immediately prior to the scheduled Briefing Session by using the online form below.

Deputation requests are to be approved by the Mayor and must relate to matters listed on the agenda of the Briefing Session.

Other requirements for deputations are to be in accordance with clause 5.10 of the City of Joondalup Meeting Procedures Local Law 2013 in respect of deputations to a committee.

Deputation to briefing session

Governance - Deputation to briefing session
  • Applicant Details

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Speakers (max of 3)

  • Speaker 1
  • Speaker 2
  • Speaker 3
  • Other Parties in Attendance (max 2)

  • Other Party 1 Details
  • Other Party 2 Details
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Deputations at Briefing Sessions

Briefing Sessions are used to inform Elected Members on the items of business to be presented and discussed at the forthcoming Council meeting.

Requests for deputations can be made through the form below and must be submitted by close of business on the day prior to the scheduled Briefing Session date. The City will confirm if the deputation has been approved by the Mayor and any time restrictions that may apply.

Deputations must relate to an item on the current Briefing Session agenda.

For further information around deputations at Briefing Sessions, please view the Briefing Sessions page or the procedures below for Strategy Sessions, Briefing Sessions and Council/Committees.

Deputation Request

Public questions

The City encourages public participation in its decision-making process, either by asking questions or making statements at Council meetings or Briefing Sessions.

Questions to a Briefing Session must relate to a matter listed on the Briefing Session Agenda. Questions to a Council meeting can relate to any matter the City has responsibility for.

Up to five written questions can be lodged by residents and/or ratepayers of the City prior to a Briefing Session or a Council meeting and need to be lodged via email by 9.00am the day immediately prior to the relevant meeting.

Answers to questions received within that timeframe will, where practicable, be provided in hard copy at the relevant meeting.

Alternatively, up to two verbal questions can be asked in person by a member of the public at the relevant meeting.

Those persons wish to ask a question verbally at a Council or Briefing Session will have their request registered. The Mayor may call persons registered to come forward in an order that allows the maximum opportunity for as many people as possible to address the meeting on the widest range of matters listed on the agenda.

Time permitting, opportunity may also be offered to members of the public who have not registered their request and who may be in attendance.

For further information, please view the below procedures for Strategy Sessions, Briefing Sessions and Council / Committee Meetings.


Public Statements

The City encourages public participation in its decision-making process, either by asking questions or making statements at Council meetings or Briefing Sessions.

In person public statements to a Briefing Session must relate to a matter listed on the Briefing Session Agenda. In person public statements to a Council meeting can relate to any matter the City has responsibility for.

A maximum of two minutes per public statement is provided to ensure maximum participation at a meeting. Written statements cannot be submitted beforehand.

Those persons wish to make a public statement at a Council or Briefing Session will have their request registered. The Mayor may call persons registered to come forward in an order that allows the maximum opportunity for as many people as possible to address the meeting on the widest range of matters that are listed in the agenda.

Time permitting, opportunity may also be offered to members of the public who have not registered their request and who may be in attendance.

For further information please view the below procedures for Strategy Sessions, Briefing Sessions and Council / Committee Meetings.


Briefing Sessions

Briefing Sessions are used to inform Elected Members on the items of business that are to be presented and discussed at the following Council meeting. No decisions are made at Briefing Sessions although Elected Members may request additional information, or may request alternative wording for motions to be prepared for possible consideration at the Council meeting.

Briefing Sessions are open to members of the public, and question and statement time is permitted. Questions and statements must relate to an item on the Briefing Session Agenda.

A member of the public may also request to make a deputation to the Elected Members relating to an item on the agenda. Deputations are received on the same evening as the Briefing Session at the commencement of the meeting.


The City provides an opportunity at a Briefing Session where members of the public may speak on an item listed on the agenda. A maximum of one hour will be set aside for all deputations at a Briefing Session.

A time period of up to 15 minutes is set-aside for each deputation that is approved by the Mayor (including time for Elected Member questions), however the Mayor may reduce this time set aside for each deputation, where the number of approved deputations would exceed the maximum one hour limit.

Any member of the public may request to make a deputation on a matter contained in the Briefing Session agenda (using the below on-line form) and all requests for deputations must be submitted by the close of business on the day prior to the Briefing Session.


Any visual presentations in support of an approved deputation (such as a PowerPoint presentation) must be received by the City by 12.00noon on the day of the Briefing Session. Confirmation should first be received by the City in terms of the approval of your request, as the allocated time may be reduced from 15 minutes.

Public question time

Residents and/or ratepayers of the City are able to submit up to five written questions on a matter listed in the Briefing Session agenda. All written questions must be lodged in writing by email by 9.00am on the day immediately prior to the Briefing Session. Answers to questions received within that timeframe will be provided, where practicable, in hard copy at the Briefing Session.

Any member of the public can ask up to two questions in person at the Briefing Session.

Please refer to the related information on public questions for further information.

Public statement time

Members of the public are also able to make a public statement for up to two minutes on any matter on the Briefing Session Agenda.

Please refer to the related information on public statements for further information.

For further information view the below procedures for Strategy Sessions, Briefing Sessions and Council / Committee Meetings.