Spring has Sprung – Take action on weeds

Spring has Sprung image

As spring arrives and the weather warms up, the City is calling on the local community to help protect, preserve and enhance the urban and natural environment by taking control of weeds on private property and removing them before they seed and spread.

Weeds are plants that grow in areas where they are not naturally occurring and proceed to modify natural processes, usually adversely, resulting in the decline of the vegetation communities they invade.  A weed usually requires some form of action to reduce its effects on the economy, the environment, human health and amenity.

Weeds typically produce large numbers of seeds and spread rapidly, invading natural areas, parks and urban landscaping areas. Weeds can be spread by:

  • dispersal of seeds by water, wind, birds, animals, human or vehicle movement;
  • site activities;
  • underground root systems;
  • mulch, soil and plant stock;
  • garden rubbish dumping; and
  • fire.

Yearly growth patterns of weeds vary with some species growing in summer and seeding in autumn and others growing in winter and seeding in spring.

Weeds can impact on communities by degrading natural areas, parks, verges, median strips, and public access ways, lower the amenity, functionality and aesthetics of sites and make these areas less usable by the community.

The City undertakes an integrated weed management approach to prevent, monitor, prioritise and control weeds on City managed land as detailed in the Weed Management Plan. A variety of new weed control methods have recently been implemented by the City in its public open spaces and urban landscaping, including steam and hot water along with WeedSeeker technology to reduce the use of chemicals in controlling weeds. A new Weed Management Plan is currently being developed and will be released for community consultation in 2022/23.

Steam weed control image

What can you do to help?

Let’s help beautify the City together.

Currently registered for Pesticide Use Notification or Exclusion?

If you are currently registered on the City’s Pesticide Use Notification Register (24-hour notification) and/or Pesticide Use Exclusion Register (“no spray verge”), the City invites you to re-register for 2022-23.

Registrations for inclusion on the Registers are valid until 30 June each year, and residents and stakeholders must reapply each year by submitting a new application form to the City. Inclusion on the Register/s will not be reinstated unless a new application is submitted.

Should you wish to remain on the Register/s, or are not registered but would like to be, please submit your application to the City.

Complete the Pesticide Use Notification Register application.

Complete the Pesticide Use Exclusion Register application.

A map and schedule of the following weeks scheduled spray activities is provided on the City’s website each Friday afternoon. Further details on Pesticide use can be found on the City’s website.

Pedestrian Accessway Planting and Maintenance

City residents who own a property adjoining a Pedestrian/Public Accessway (PAW) and wish to plant and maintain the Pedestrian/Public Accessway (PAW) adjoining their residence can apply (via a two-part process, refer below) to be added to the City’s Pedestrian Accessway Planting and Maintenance Register.

Approval is subject to the expressed support of all property owners adjoining the PAW.

Vegetation species/type will also require approval by the City prior to any planting being undertaken.

Maintenance of the PAW adjacent to the registered properties will not be undertaken by the City; the applicants agree to maintain the PAW adjoining the registered properties in accordance with the City’s Property Local Law.

Chemical weed control will not be undertaken within the PAW by either the City or the registrants.

The City will support one application per Pedestrian/Public Accessway (first in first served basis).

Registrations are valid for two years from the date of the application, with the City undertaking six-monthly inspections.

Step One

  1. The Lead Applicant is responsible for completing the online application form nominating the PAW to be planted and maintained, and submitting the form to the City for assessment.
  2. The City will review the application and determine the suitability for the identified PAW for inclusion on the City’s Pedestrian Accessway Planting and Maintenance
  3. The Lead Applicant will be advised in writing within 14 days of the City’s decision and if supported in principle the City will:
  • Provide the Lead Applicant with a hard copy application form (to obtain written approval from all adjoining property owners). Where a property is rented/tenanted, the lead applicant is to seek the written support of the property owner/s.
  • Request the Lead Applicant to develop a planting plan in alignment with the guidelines which are available on the City’s website. Information on approved plant material can be found within the City’s Growing Locals and Street Verge Guidelines brochures.

Step Two

The Lead Applicant must submit to the City for review:

  1. The hard copy application form demonstrating written support (signatures) of all property owners adjoining the PAW.
  2. A planting plan of proposed works.

The City will then review the application form and planting plan and will contact the Lead Applicant in writing advising whether works can proceed.

Additional information

No work is to commence without the approval of the City; in doing so parties may be in breach of the Local Government and Public Property Local Law and penalties may apply.

Registration to the Pedestrian Accessway Planting and Maintenance Register requires all applicants to commit to:

  • Maintaining the PAW in a safe, good and tidy condition.
  • Keeping footpaths clear of landscaping and trip hazards.
  • Not using any chemical weed control.
  • Adhering to the Local Government and Public Property Local Law including planting of approved species only.
  • Maintaining a one metre plant clearance zone from any City or public utility infrastructure such as, but not limited to, lighting, street signs, traffic signs, control boxes, etc.
  • Indemnifying the City against damage to people or property as a result of the works undertaken in the PAW.
  • Reinstating the planting following works undertaken by the City or other service authorities.

and note that:

  • Built structures, staking, plants with thorns and the planting of trees is not permitted.
  • The City is not liable for any damage or vandalism to plants or landscaping treatments.
  • The City will not supply plants, mulch or other landscaping materials to undertake the works.
  • The City will not provide financial or practical assistance to undertake the works.
  • The Pedestrian Accessway Planting and Maintenance Register does not apply to parks, reserves, or natural areas.
  • Residents and stakeholders are responsible for the planting and maintenance of the PAW in its entirety (i.e. not just the section/s immediately adjoining their property).
  • It is the responsibility of the applicants to pay for any damage caused to private, City or public utility infrastructure during the planting and maintenance process. If any damage or disturbance occurs to infrastructure, ensure you contact the City immediately.
  • Residents and stakeholders must reapply every two years to ensure the continuing support of the adjoining property owners.

Please note that the City and service authorities, such as the Water Corporation, Telstra and Alinta Gas, may have access and rights over some portion/s of the PAW under State or Federal Legislation and may undertake works which may disturb any of these treated PAWs in gaining the necessary access to their utilities. The City/other service authorities may at any time require landscaping with PAW be repaired or removed as per the provisions contained in the Local Government (Uniform Local Provisions) Regulations 1996 or any other written law. It should be noted that if access is required to these services the landscaping treatment may not be reinstated.

Pesticide Use Exclusion Register

City residents and/or property owners wishing to exclude the verge immediately abutting their property/residence from chemical weed control can apply to be added to the City’s Pesticide Use Exclusion Register using the form below.

By completing this application, chemical weed control within the road reserve (verge and kerbline) abutting the registered property will not be undertaken by the City. The property owner/occupier agrees to maintain the verge abutting the registered property in accordance with the City’s Street Verge Guidelines and Property Local Law; eg. keep the permissible verge treatment in a good and tidy condition.

Registrations are valid until 30 June each year. Residents and stakeholders must reapply each year by submitting a new application form; inclusion on the Register will not be reinstated unless a new application is submitted to the City. Please note that annual reminder notices will not be provided and it is the registrant’s responsibility to reapply for inclusion on the Register each year.

Requests to be removed from the Pesticide Use Exclusion Register must be made to the City in writing.

Registration to the Pesticide Use Exclusion Register requires the resident to commit to:

  • Maintaining their verge in a good and tidy condition, including weed removal.
  • Re-register at 30 June each year to remain on the Pesticide Use Exclusion Register.
  • Adhere to the City’s Street Verge Guidelines.
  • Understanding that the Pesticide Exclusion Register does not apply to parks, reserves or natural areas.
  • That Main Roads WA roads are exempt from registration.

Pesticide Use Notification Register

City residents wishing to be advised in advance of scheduled weed spraying activities occurring within 100 metres of their residence can apply to be added to the City’s Pesticide Use Notification Register (the Register).

Registrants will receive notification at least 24 hours prior to spraying commencing.

For inclusion on the Register you will be required to complete the application form which includes email and mobile telephone contact details. Two contact methods may be selected; however, the City cannot notify registrants via a landline or by other means.  It is the registrant’s responsibility to ensure their contact details are up to date and to notify the City should their details change.

Residents and the public may also select to be notified when scheduled spraying activities are undertaken on the City’s parks/reserves. Up to five locations may be selected and registrants will receive notification at least 24 hours prior to spraying commencing.

Please note that should an application be submitted from the same applicant with the same telephone and email address, then this application will supersede any previous applications received.

All registrations are valid until 30 June each year. Residents and stakeholders must reapply each year by submitting a new application form; inclusion on the Register will not be reinstated unless a new application is submitted to the City. Please note that annual reminder notices will not be provided and it is the registrants responsibility to reapply for inclusion on the Register each year.

Pesticide Use Notification – Locations Map and Schedule

Please select a week below.


The City undertakes an integrated weed management approach which includes the use of APVMA approved herbicides  to control weed infestation within its parks/reserves, natural areas (bushland), streetscapes, road reserves, along kerbs and footpaths.

Works will be conducted by City officers and appointed licensed contractors. Vehicle-mounted signage and site signage will be in place (where practicable).

Herbicide application will be undertaken in the following areas (and may include surrounding hardstand areas and verges, tree wells, medians, kerbs and/or footpaths) weather and operational resources permitting.

Maps will be updated by close of business each Friday detailing the following week’s herbicide applications.

For further information contact the City on 9400 4255.


The City of Joondalup undertakes an integrated approach to its weed management in natural areas, parks and urban landscaping areas. The City implements a number of weed control methods including the use of glyphosate a broad-spectrum, non-selective herbicide effective for the control of annual and perennial weeds. The City of Joondalup utilises herbicides in accordance with permits, regulations and label instructions applicable to the specific herbicide.

With regard to the use of glyphosate for weed management, the City is guided by the Australian Government regulator of agricultural and veterinary chemical products, the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA).

APVMA has made the following statement regarding the use of glyphosate in Australia.

Glyphosate is registered for use in Australia and APVMA approved products containing glyphosate can continue to be used safely according to label directions. Australian law requires appropriate warnings on product labels, which include relevant poisons scheduling, first aid, and safety directions detailing personal protective equipment when handling and using products containing glyphosate. The APVMA reminds all users of the importance of following all label instructions.

As the national regulator for agricultural chemicals, we continue to track and consider any new scientific information associated with safety and effectiveness of glyphosate, including the information available from other regulators.”


Pesticide use

The majority of the City’s pesticide use consists of applying herbicide for weed control and applying insecticides to manage certain insect pests. Herbicides are used to eliminate weeds to meet the community’s expectations for functional and aesthetically appealing parks, public open spaces, sports surfaces, natural areas and facilities.

The City’s Pesticide Use Notification Plan provides information on the City’s management of pesticide applications in public places that are owned or managed by the City, including works undertaken by City staff and contractors.

Pesticide application is undertaken in line with the Department of Health’s document Guidelines for the Safe Use of Pesticides in Non-Agricultural Workplaces. Only City approved pesticides are applied on land owned or managed by the City.

The City complies with specifications of pesticide labels and permits issued by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, including additional warnings and safety protocols. All signage displayed will be in accordance with the Department of Health Pesticide Regulations Signage Requirements.

The City is committed to ensuring that pesticide use is justified, minimised and the lowest toxicity of pesticides is used to achieve the desired outcome in an effective and efficient manner, minimising potential harm to the community and the environment.

Pesticide notification

Notification of spraying activities will be based on the type of chemical control (unscheduled or scheduled) undertaken.

Scheduled chemical weed control program

Scheduled control is carried out at set intervals and requires planning due to the larger areas of spraying required.

Residents who register for inclusion on the City’s Pesticide Notification Register (refer section 8 of the Pesticide Use Notification Plan) will receive an automated notification (via text message or email) at least 24 hours prior to application.

Pesticide Use Notification Register

Unscheduled chemical weed control

Chemical weed control is a secondary action resulting from streetscape, park and natural area maintenance activities. Spraying is undertaken (if required) at the time of these activities. It is intended that this will involve minimal spot spraying of weeds.

All registrations are valid until 30 June each year. Residents and stakeholders must reapply each year by submitting a new application form; inclusion on the Register will not be reinstated unless a new application is submitted to the City. Please note that annual reminder notices will not be provided and it is the registrant’s responsibility to reapply for inclusion on the Register each year.

Spraying activities are subject to weather and operational resources.

Further information is contained on the Glyphosate web page.