International Day of People with Disability – 3 December 2023


IDPwD is an opportunity to be part of creating an inclusive and diverse community for the 4.4 million Australians with disability.

Help create an inclusive community by increasing your understanding and acceptance of people with disability and by supporting the contributions people with disability make to society. You can do this through the simple actions of engaging microenterprises and learning more about disability language and etiquette.

Utilise a microenterprise

Microenterprises are very small businesses that are simple to start, require minimal capital, and are a form of creating self-employment. Microenterprises are emerging as an employment option for people with disability, including those who have high support needs.

This model can be a great pathway to employment for people with disability as a microenterprise is:

  • highly individualised
  • person-centred
  • built around the skills, strengths, and interests of the person with disability.

Below is a small sample of local microenterprises for you to check out today!

Kyal’s Coffee Kart

Kyal Fairbairn is 33 years old and runs a coffee cart business. Kyal knew from the age of 13 he wanted to run his own business one day and didn’t let his intellectual disability stop him from achieving his goals.

Kyal has always loved a good coffee; he used his goal to run a business and love of coffee to open Kyal’s Coffee Kart. It has been a huge success and has just celebrated its 3rd anniversary.

Kyal loves being his own boss. This gives him the ability to choose which events he works and who he employs. The job allows him to interact and make coffee for the community, chatting with customers and meeting new people is one of the best parts of his job. Contact Kyal today for him to bring the coffee kart to your local school, business or event.

Awareness Apparel Australia

Toby Anscombe is the founder of Awareness Apparel Australia.

Awareness Apparel Australia is a company that aims to promote different disabilities and spread awareness about these disabilities through fun and creative clothing designs.

The purpose at Awareness Apparel Australia is to grow their business to be able to employ people living with disability into an open employment environment.

Toby started the business because he is passionate about disability. Toby has a family who has a passion for sport and always taught him to not let his disability hold him back in life. Toby plays integrated football and integrated cricket and has been involved with the WA Football Commission and played a role in the set-up of wheelchair footy in WA. Through lived experience, and his community involvement Toby understands a wide range of disabilities, and how his colleagues, friends and community are impacted by disability. This experience and understanding is a driving force to build Awareness Apparel Australia to a point where can employ people with disability.

Phone: 0432 945 001

Kieran’s Can Collection

Kieran is a City resident who operates his own microenterprise called Kieran’s Can Collection. This enterprise has given Kieran a more of a purpose, not only in assisting him financially to live his life but to have an impact on his local community and environment by creating a greener future. Kieran has an intellectual disability and is supported by a small team of support workers that enables him to be active in his community and achieve the goals that are important to him. If you live locally and would like to organise a collection, please contact Kieran.

Kieran Can Collection

The Periscope Crew

The Periscope Crew is a crew of passionate young people with disability who came together to give their talents the opportunity to truly shine. The crew is made up of talented photographers and cinematographers, inspirational interviewers and anchors, a detail-obsessed research team and the best possible production support. They believe that true inclusion will only happen if they get to tell their own stories from their own perspective and using their own skills. The Periscope Crew are changing perspectives and telling stories ‘from every angle’.

Erin’s enterprise

Erin’s enterprise is a small hobby business, created by Erin to sell her diamond dot art and other crafts. Erin is a very talented artist and a person with Autism and an intellectual disability she is supported by a small team of support workers to run Erin’s Enterprise.

Learn about language and etiquette

A – Z of disability etiquette

Communicating with a person with disability can sometimes seem daunting. Some people are concerned that they will embarrass themselves or a person with disability by saying or doing the wrong thing. The most important thing to remember is to treat each person with respect. You can check out the A-Z of Disability Etiquettes for pointers on good disability etiquette from disability advocates, people living with a disability and employees of Independence Australia. Learn more

Language guide

Language is an incredibly powerful tool and can be used to create a sense of empowerment, pride, identity and purpose. It can be difficult to keep up with what is the acceptable terminology in relation to disability, so PWDWA have created a language guide, download this helpful resource today. Learn more