Online Services
106 items
- Additional Greens Waste Bin (Green lid bin)
- Additional recycling bin (Yellow lid bin)
- Animal - Animal Registration Wizard
- Animal - Transfer of animal address
- Animal registration - amend cat or dog registration details
- Animal registration - Transfer animal registration - New owner
- Annual General Meeting of Electors
- Annual Parking Permit Renewal
- Annual parking permits
- Annual residential parking permit payments
- Ask a librarian
- Bin - Request an additional bin collection between collection days
- Book a facility, park or venue
- Booking a bulk hard waste service
- Briefing / Council agendas and minutes
- Building application payments
- Building development guidelines to protect street trees
- Building verge permit applications
- Bulk green waste
- Cat - register your cat
- Cats - apply to breed cats or renew cat breeding licence
- Cats - registration renewal payments
- Change of address form
- City of Joondalup - contact form
- Community Directory
- Community Directory registration
- Community events calendar
- Community events calendar - Submit your event
- Community Facility Hire Payments
- Community temporary signs application
- Customer service feedback
- Deputation request
- Dogs - register your dog
- Dogs - registration refund application
- Dogs - registration renewal payments
- Dogs - request to keep more than two dogs
- Downgrade the 240L red lid general waste bin for a 140L red lid general waste bin
- eBooks, audiobooks, magazines and streaming services
- eNewsletter sign up
- eRates - registration
- Facilities - Regular hire request
- Find waste collection dates
- Food or food business complaint form
- Freedom of information request for non-personal information
- Freedom of information request for personal information
- Gaming permit - Section 55 certificate
- Hazard Reduction Grass Tree Burning Program
- Health application payments
- How to upgrade the 140L red lid general waste bin for a 240L red lid general waste bin
- Illegal dumping - report illegal dumping
- Infringement appeal - non parking infringement
- Infringement appeal - parking infringement
- Infringement payments
- Join the coastal vulnerability stakeholder notification list
- Kerb and footpath replacement request
- Library catalogue and member log in
- Litter - report littering
- Live Council meeting audio feed
- Lodge a building, planning or environmental health application online
- Lodging house - apply for registration
- Make a payment online
- Noise - make a noise complaint
- Ocean Reef Boat Harbour - apply for parking permit
- Online maps - Intramaps
- Oral history - expression of interest
- Other animals - change of address
- Parking infringement photo proof
- Pay library fines online
- Pedestrian Accessway Planting and Maintenance
- Pedestrian Accessway Planting and Maintenance - Application Form
- Pesticide Use Exclusion Register
- Pesticide Use Notification - Locations Map and Schedule
- Pesticide Use Notification Register
- Planning application payments
- Pool application payments
- Rates - AdvancePay Direct Debit request
- Rates - Direct Debit Request - in full or instalments
- Rates - Direct Debit Request - Special arrangement
- Rates - manual payment arrangement request
- Rates - online payment
- Reid Promenade Car Park monthly service - apply online
- Reid Promenade Car Park monthly service - pay online
- Renew library items
- Replacement Cat and Dog Registration Tags
- Replacement or repair of bins
- Report graffiti
- Report street light faults
- Reporting damage in the City
- Request a 360L recycle bin
- Request an additional set of bins
- Request event bins
- Request for bins for new properties
- Request the green waste bin
- Request the removal of bins
- Requesting CCTV Images - Agency or Internal Staff use only
- Search decisions on building and planning applications
- Septic apparatus - decommissioning a septic apparatus notification form
- Significant trees nomination form
- Street market permit
- Street tree maintenance request
- Street tree planting
- Waste bin sticker request
- Waste disposal guide
- Wi-Fi printing service
- YAAS! – Young Adult Art Space
- Youth Services Membership Form